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What to Do with Done-for-You Yoga Content

Yoga Content PLR

Sell it for an affordable price point. Think of all your coaching clients who would love to learn more about getting healthier and easing the stress in their lives by embarking on a daily yoga practice. Trouble is, they may not be willing to book you for individual coaching hours. Or... they're just overwhelmed at where to start. An online course that arrives instantly via email, in ebook form, or one article at a time via autoresponder, could be the perfect learning method for them!

Give away this content. Let's say you're a health coach just stepping out in the great, big world of online marketing. You'd love to begin selling coaching packages and instant-download courses... but so far, very few people know about you. Smart business owners know that the money is in the list. So if your list is tiny or nonexistent, you can use this content to get prequalified buyers on your list by giving it away for free.

Include this yoga series as part of a bigger package. I mentioned your coaching package earlier. As stated, not everybody is up for trading hours for dollars when it comes to having their own personal trainer or health coach. But if you entice them with a ready-made informational packet that they gain instant access to after signing up for your paid monthly subscription.... you can be sure they're getting the instructions, knowledge, and encouragement they need to keep motivation levels high and achieve their health goals.

Turn it into printables. Print this out, make copies, and distribute at your next in-person health coaching seminar or class. Why limit use of this excellent quality information to online coaches? Professionals such as holistic health practitioners, personal trainers, certified yoga instructors, dieticians and more can use this prewritten yoga content to help their customers and clients master the fundamentals of yoga.

Want to know more about our Yoga Content? Check out the great private label yoga products listed on this page.

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