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Blog from Your Phone or Mobile Device with Done-for-You Content

Blog from Your Phone or Mobile Device with Done-for-You Content

Hey there, busy blogger! What's your biggest procrastination problem that slows or stops you from tackling online business goals?

For me, it's my phone and Facebook, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. 

So I kind of gave up Facebook for a while. Nothing personal if you're smitten with the platform right now. I feel like Facebook has become groundhog day.

If you're going to be scrolling, you might as well use your phone or other mobile device for something productive that brings you income. Right?

Let me just remind you that it is super easy to use your phone for online business once you get in the habit.

Here are some techy things you should get comfortable with so you can conduct business from anywhere using your phone...

Flipping back and forth between smartphone and desktop view with your browser. 

Some things like logging into Amember or sending newsletters from Aweber, don't function correctly from your phone view. But they do function right when you flip to the desktop view. You just have to remember to do it, and get in the habit.

Another issue is that it can be difficult to dictate an email directly in Aweber or MailChimp, etc., from your smartphone. 

That's what we have Google docs for. Create the entire email in a Google doc. Edit everything, add links and your signature. Highlight all, copy all, and paste right into Aweber or MailChimp as a new broadcast. Hit send. Boom, done!

Another challenge could be creating a blog post from your phone. Cumbersome and wonky, right?

Again, Google Docs is your best friend. You can either use a PLR doc that you already saved there, or dictate the article into Google Docs first. Then log into your blog. 

Start a new blog post. Flip to the text input area. Copy and paste the text from the Google doc into the blog post. Then switch to the blog's HTML view and style as necessary. Add a pic and publish.

What about collecting PLR images to use in your web publishing projects? From your phone? 

Absolutely. You just go to your favorite image site like pexels.com. Find an image that works. Download the web friendly size. Save it to your photos library. Then when you need to use it in a blog post or social media post that you're sharing, just navigate to your photo collection and upload it from there.

You can teach your clients and followers how to work from their phone also. 

It's a great thing to do when you're stuck in a waiting room, on hold with the electric company, sitting in the school pickup line, or on a park bench while your kids play tag on the playground.

Just picture it. Your kid asks you for a new video game. It's not really in the budget. But it could be if you work from your phone!

How cool would it be, while he or she is busy hanging out with friends, to send a quick email, get a few orders to come in, and suddenly you have the funds to splurge on that game to make a kid's day??


Did you find this sets of tips interesting and useful? 

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