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Health Coaches, Holistic Healers, Personal Trainers... Pass along your knowledge, skills and expertise in an expertly crafted, professional quality ecourse that helps you help others while making money on the internet

It doesn't matter what kind of health expert you are. You could be a holistic health coach, fitness guru, retired nurse, or reiki master. You might be a chiropractor, herbal healer, occupational therapist, or doula.

If you've got professional knowledge in a specialized health and wellness field, then YOU can create and sell an ecourse online.

What type of person might consider buying an ecourse from you?

Depends on who you are and what you can offer the world, of course!

So, are you ready to create an ecourse? Take the next step in your online business. We've got some seriously good ideas to help you profit from your lifelong acquisition of knowledge and expertise

My name is Dina, and I hail from the world of corporate and web-based copywriting. These days, I sell content online here on Wordfeeder. My industry is known as "PLR" - that stands for Privatel Label Rights Content. It refers to prewritten articles that can serve as the rough draft of a professional-quality ecourse that you create and sell.

The people who purchase content from Wordfeeder know how to use this content to create ecourses to make money. Here are a few examples of how people use PLR content:

But that isn't really why I'm here. It's just back-story about how I ended up talking to you from a sales page.

You may not be familiar with PLR, and that's okay. But if you've balked at the idea of shelling out thousands to pay pro writers and designers who create your online teaching materials... guess what? You don't have to do that anymore.

PLR content makes it possible to do it yourself, or with the help of a virtual assistant who can guide you through the steps or manage the project for you while you attend to more pressing matters of your life and career.

Download my FREE Ecourse Crash-Course: Could an Ecourse be Your Side Hustle?

Full disclosure: If you sign up to receive this ecourse crash-course, you're going to end up on my PLR Deals mailing list. So PLEASE pick an email address where my daily PLR emails won't disrupt your day.

You can always unsubscribe from the list. BUT if you do that, you won't learn how to publish web content for your business using private label rights content that's either low priced or totally free. You won't get the content deals. AND you won't get the tips you need to create ecourses that make you money online.

Hopefully, you have an email address all set up that you check regularly to ensure you're getting the best deals on ecourses like the one I'm giving away.

I put this page up in the hope of attracting people who ALREADY are interested in increasing their online income by selling an ecourse. You might be my perfect sign-up if you...

Just think of all the things you could be enjoying while your automated ecourse sales go out to delighted recipients on your list...

Ready to make money selling an ecourse that shares your hard earned knowledge with good folks who already want what you offer?

Sign up and learn how to launch a health and wellness course using PLR content (with actual examples of content packs you can include in your course) right now.

Sign Up! Opens to a new window so you won't lose this one.

Download your "Ecourse Crash-Course from Wordfeeder: Could an Ecourse Be Your Next Side-Hustle" as soon as you create a member account and log in. It's FREE!


You are not longer required to sign up for a basic membership to order a product. If you find an error in any form, please email dina @ wordfeeder . com. no spaces. Thank you.