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PLR Pitfalls and How to Overcome Them

PLR Pitfalls and How to Overcome Them

Do you take advantage of pre-written content (PLR - stands for private label rights) to drive traffic to your blog or website, connect with your email list by sharing articles, create ebooks to sell and giveaway as list-builders, make ecourses, and record videos for people to benefit from?

PLR is super awesome to use as a website and brand-builder because the work's already been done. For people like you, who may not enjoy writing, there are people like me out here who are only too happy to do the researching and article-creation for you.

However, I fully admit that just like anything else, PLR comes with its share of challenges. As a writer and seller of PLR, I try to read my customers and predict their problems so I can provide solutions even before they crop up.

For one thing, when a whole bunch of super low priced and free content comes in, it can be overwhelming. You want to snag those savings and grab all the free PLR with both hands. But then once you get it, now you have to turn it into something and sell it. But oh, here comes an even better offer for prewritten content. So instead of focusing on the first pack you bought, now you've got this next one distracting you. And it just keeps on going!

I'm going to give you some tips for managing the chaos that can be content buying and repurposing online. I hope these help you make the best use of your purchased content so you can turn around and make huge gains in your business!

PLR Pitfall 1: The writing quality isn't always that great.

This should be a big concern of yours as a content publisher. You know that if people are going to love your site and keep coming back, then the knowledge you offer them should truly be helpful and useful.

So keep your eye out for those PLR sellers whose articles read more like junk fluff, and steer clear.

Yeah, they may lure you in with incredible deals. But don't fall for it, you'll be tossing dollars into the wind and in the end you'll look at the content and go, "Oh, what am I going to do with this?"

Your Smart Marketer's Workaround:

To get around the problem of poor quality writing, just choose a select number of private label rights content sellers and stick to purchasing from ONLY them. You can do this on your own, if you like. Or, you can just rely on people like me to do it for you.

I've got my eye on what's going around the content world. So if what I come across wouldn't fly as a sixth-grade writing assignment, I'm not going to be sharing it with my list no matter how tempting the offer is.

PLR Pitfall 2: You can't keep track of all the content you bought or downloaded for free.

Maybe when a sweet deal lands in your inbox, you drop everything and hustle on over to grab the content. Then you stuff it somewhere on your hard drive and return to your work. Later, you have no idea what content you bought or where it even is.

Your Smart Marketer's Workaround:

My workaround for a chaotic content collection is this: organize folders on your computer into niche-specific folders. The niches you choose will depend on which audiences your various blogs and websites target.

So if you market to a number of different audiences, your folder system could look like this: Health. Online Business. Family Life. Self Help. And so forth. Then, next time an irresistible content pack shows up in your email, you can grab it and make sure to save the files to the correct niche category.

PLR Pitfall 3: Falling behind on your ecourse creation, sharing and selling.

After you purchase or download a brand new pack of pre-written content, you've now got to take several next-steps to get that content working for you.

One, you should turn it into a sellable product. That could be an ebook, e-course that's delivered via email, or a workshop that people can access via a private member area of your site. This requires focus and effort.

Your Smart Marketer's Workaround:

One big proactive step to take that will also build your business, is hiring a VA to help you manage the content. Keep track of your content sharing and selling goals. Break everything down into manageable steps. Have your VA person work on accomplishing each step, or some of the steps, for you.

For example, if you need images placed inside of an ebook, that's something a VA could easily help you check off while you work on another aspect of the project, like content editing.

To find a great VA, start at Fiverr.com and hire for a single project. If you like their work, hire them again and soon you've got a reliable virtual assistant to count on.

PLR Pitfall 4: Too much activity in your inbox.

I'm certainly aware as a PLR promoter and seller, that my frequent emails can be overwhelming to some. But the fact is… different people have different expectations for hearing from me. And I want everyone on my list to be happy and get what they want.

You'll feel way more in control of your email if you designate a specific email address where all content-related mails can flow in and out of. You'll be able to log in and check things like when a new payment comes in, when a new PLR pack has gone on sale, and other, administrative and promotional related activity.

The key, of course, is to CHECK the email inbox daily. I have two different emails for PLR. One, I use for signups. The other, I designate for working with clients and serving my customers. I'm much happier having these separate and you will be, too.

PLR Pitfall 5: Not using the PLR that you purchase.

This defeats the whole point of having the content in the first place! And of course, it's directly related to the lack of plan for turning the content into profit and not following up on the projects that you did plan.

Your Smart Marketer's Workaround:

One way to prevent this from happening is to put a temporary cap on your content purchases. You can set a goal for the kinds of profit-generating activities that you plan to manage over the course of the year.

Then, each time you score a content pack that can help you achieve one of the goals more easily, check it off and place all of the content into a folder on your hard drive to be utilized.

When I say "utilized" I mean setting up the ecourse or ebook, posting related blog posts, creating a sales page to market the ecourse or ebook, posting social blurbs in your various online groups talking about the ecourse or ebook, and then NOT stopping until you've made some decent cash back and turned the expenditure into profit.

Only after you've reached a profit-generating, content related goal, can you permit yourself to start buying more content for the next endeavor.

I hope this set of tips helps you get a reign on your private label rights content buying and selling. PLR is supposed to help, not hinder, you in online business. If you have any wish for a specific topic to be written, please let me know! Happy online publishing and selling.

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