Follow-Up Sequences to Maximize Your Sales Funnel's Effectiveness
Sales pages are great, but they aren't the be-all, end-all of your online marketing effort. To greatly increase your potential for making sales on the fly, you need to prime your sales pages with a series of follow-up emails. In case you missed it, we have a great freebie that will get you tuned into creating follow-ups. With a little practice, this sales-funnel necessity will become like second nature.
Suppose you've just developed a free opt-in to start attracting new, targeted subscribers. Let's say that you offered a free webinar. The free webinar was the first taste for your new followers, which led to them discovering a higher-ticket training program that they have the option to upgrade to.
Even though you mentioned your high-ticket training program, your marketing doesn't end there. Following up by way of an email sequence will help you achieve that "7 points of contact" that often mean making the sale. So let's take a look at some easy ways to organize your follow-up email sequence:
Follow-Up Email 1: Your readers receive email 1 after they sign up for your free webinar. This might include a replay link, or a series of instructions on how to join in for the live event. If you do plan to host a live event, you'll want to also send reminders of the time and login information so they don't miss it.
Follow-Up Email 2: This is the recap of what they learned. You can set this up as a quick, series of bulleted points briefing them on what the seminar was about. This works in case they missed the actual seminar, and just want a cheat sheet if you will. Here's where you can include the upsell for them to grab a ticket to your training program.
Follow-Up Email 3: In a few days, you can offer a case study or a series of testimonials from clients who have experienced success by way of your program. Again, share the link and special offer for your high-ticket event.
Follow-Up Email 4: Nudge your reader with a reminder that the replay is going away (if it is), and also to address any ambiguities or questions about what's being sold. An FAQ works great here. If you already have a long version published on your site, you can fill in this spot with an abbreviated version of that.
Follow-Up Email 5: This is your final reminder of your limited time only offer which will end shortly. You can always encourage people to reach out with questions, assuming that you or your team is available to answer them. Of course, the quicker you're able to address questions and allay fears, the more likely you'll encourage sales, either on this product or another one you offer down the road.
Follow-Up Email 6 and beyond: A reader who does not bite for your offer may simply not be a match for this product. Many email marketing list managers offer a way to import subscribers from one list to the next. So if you have a generic list that you market to, you can bring this reader over there for more tips and exciting offers.
Also note that if your readers DOES purchase, he or she must be removed from the email sequence so as not to continue receiving follow-ups. Services like AWeber make it easy for you to move subscribers from one list to another based on their actions. Set this up in advance and you won't run into snafus later on in the game.
Cindy puts the FUN back in Funnels
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