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How to Create an Opt-In Gift Using PLR Content

How to Create an Opt-In Gift Using PLR Content

To Get More Signups and Grow Your List

Want a stand-out way to get new email signups and grow your sales? Offer an opt-in gift in exchange for email addresses.

An opt-in gift is basically an information download. It's a gift because you're giving away professional advice. The phrase "opt-in" is used because your readers must OPT IN to your list in order to receive the information they want.

It may be tempting to skip the part where your web visitors might sign up before they can access the information download.

On the one hand, websites that share a PDF download will usually jump search engine results. Search engines LOVE PDFs.

On the other hand, though, if you give away the PDF without making them sign up for anything, you're basically kissing the lead goodbye. They *might* decide to reach out to you. Or, they might just lose track of the file and forget your name.

For this reason, it's a far better idea to trade the PDF info download for their name and email. This way, you can give them some time, and then reach out by emailing them more tips.

What should you include in your opt-in gift that you create to attract new signups?

The tips that you include in your opt-in gift should help your reader solve a problem, or teach them something new that they want to know.

The general method for creating a lead magnet is as follows:

Why share an information download as an opt-in gift?

How many opt-in gifts should you create for your website?

Well... you can always set up just one and then stop there. But once you know how to create an opt-in gift, this cracks open a world of possibilities. Each time you launch a new digital product for purchase, like an ebook, you can warm up your readers to the topic by sharing an info handout that relates.

So if you plan to launch a new ebook, workbook, journaling course, or something else in a season, then definitely make a free opt-in gift that matches the topic. Then you'll have new faces on your list who may be interested in purchasing the paid, longer version of the tips you shared.

Do you want to know the exact steps for creating, uploading and advertising an opt-in gift on your website?

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