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How Does PLR Save You Money?

How Does PLR Save You Money?

Let me explain how you can save a ton of money when you purchase PLR articles to use in your business AND take the time or invest in having an editor make them unique.

Let's Compare: Hiring a Writer to Create Content from Scratch, vs. Buying PLR and Hiring an Editor OR Editing Them Yourself

Normally, when you work with a copywriter who creates your articles from scratch, each article takes about 2 hours from start to finish. That includes writing, then sending edits back and forth with the client a few times before it sounds perfect.

So, if you're paying $100 per hour, that's $200 per article times 5 articles which is -– GOLK -- One Thousand Dollars for 5 articles that it took the copywriter 10 hours, or 2 to 3 full work days, to create for you.

I think we all agree, it's time to work smarter, not harder!

PLR Content Speeds Up Content Production, Lowers Costs and Omits the Back-and-Forth

Buying and editing PLR articles dramatically slice the time it takes to create your content and turn it into marketing or a digital product. What took 3 days will now take ONE day, and NO back and forth editing at all!

The cost of private label ontent can be as low as $10 for a pack of 5 articles (yes, you heard that right). Price depends on the topic, though – some require more in-depth research and more time to write than others.

For example, health and wellness articles might cost more than frugal living articles because with the health niche, you want to research, quote, dlisclaim, and reference legit sources for any claim you make.

Let's Say that You Purchase PLR Articles, then Hire an Editor to Help You Rework Them:

It will take your content editor approximately 5 hours total to rework ALL FIVE articles to make them unique and reflect the voice of your brand, and then publish them wherever you want us to.

(Plus, you'll want to change the headlines to something search engine friendly that's also yummily irresistible to the social media crowd.)

An example of that: suppose you purchased anti-aging articles titled "Reverse-Age in Mind, Body and Spirit." To make them unique, change the title/branding of the series to "Do You Want to (Look and Feel) Forever Young?"

Cost Breakdown of Buying PLR and Hiring an Editor to Rework the Content:

  1. Somewhere between $10 and $40 on the 5 articles
  2. Maybe somewhere between $200 and $300 for the content editor's work

This saves you between $700 and $800 for a ready-to-go package of web content that it would normally have cost about $1K to have a pro copywriter craft for you the old-fashioned way.

The Even More Economical Option

If you're really looking to reduce your content budget, then edit the articles on your own. If you edit the articles yourself... then you're only paying under $40 (or as low as $10) for the entire article 5-pack!

Just remember, though that, time equals money when you're in business for yourself. It's smart to keep an equation in your head about this. If you could be serving clients today or selling something that would bring you $200 hour in income, but instead you're using 8 of today's work hours to product content, you are NOT utilizing your time in a smart way.

Any online biz owner might be forced to work extra hard and take a loss up front, but if you're still doing this after, say, 3 years in business, something isn't right.

Consider the combined use of PLR content AND outsourcing to a skilled editor, to bring your online content marketing strategy to life and put your business into the plus-zone.

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