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How to Run a Gratitude Challenge from Your Facebook Group, Email or Your Blog

How to Run a Gratitude Challenge from Your Facebook Group, Email or Your Blog

A gratitude challenge is a great thing to host during the festive season - November and December. It will bring about good feelings for you, and for the people who follow you on social media, keep in touch via email or read your blog.

At Wordfeeder PLR, we have several versions of our Attitude of Gratitude gratitude challenge that you can present to your audience using any deliverable that works for you.

When you purchase ONE of these challenges, you'll receive 3 other VERSIONS of this content. So that means you get your choice to run the gratitude challenge ANY time of year... even for more than one season. These versions of the SAME challenge will be available from your Wordfeeder member account after your purchase goes through.

Presented seasonally, these are:

November: Attitude of Gratitude 30-Day Challenge December: 30 Days Blessed This Christmas

Spring: 30 Days to a More Optimistic YouJanuary: New Year, New You Positivity Challenge

How to launch an "Attitude of Gratitude" challenge:

STEP 1. Purchase and download 30 days of prewritten content. We have that for you in an MS Word document format. You can order it immediately from this checkout form.

If you've never heard of Wordfeeder's Attitude of Gratitude Journaling Challenge PLR content and want to know more before making a purchase, keep scrolling. After the tutorial, I'll share with you about our gratitude challenge content with private label rights.

STEP 2: Gather images to go with each message that you publish on each "day". My creator friend 'Chele (Michele) Neisler has custom-created images that match a November Thankfulness gratitude theme. She created these expressly to use with the Attitude of Gratitude PLR Journaling Challenge.

STEP 3: Copy and paste your written gratitude challenge content into one or more media of your choice. So if you want to run it as an email series, log into your autoresponder service like Aweber. Start an email follow-up series.

Paste one "day" into a new email and do this 30 times (you can also shorten it to a 15-day series, and use the 15 other articles to post on your blog and attract new signups who may want to order the paid challenge). Set this up to send out, one email a day for 30 (or however many) days, after people order.

STEP 4: Let your followers know that you plan to run an Attitude of Gratitude 30-Day Challenge for the month of November. Put out a warm and welcoming vibe to all. As mentioned, it's helpful if you publish a few gratitude articles or a free sample of a gratitude journaling assignment to try, from your blog and social media. At the end of your post, add the link for people to sign up for your list so you can email them to announce when the challenge is ready for purchase.

STEP 5: Give people a place to sign up for your list if they haven't already. This is very important. It's how you build your business. See the prior point.

STEP 6: Create a private group on social media (Facebook is usually the spot where people already have accounts, and are likely to congregate). Plan to post there. Encourage sharing and group participation.

STEP 7: SHARE. Each time you post a new article and exercise, share it, along with an inspiring graphic, in the following places:

Email. You can send each email out, one article and one exercise per day for the entire month of November. OR, set this content up as an autoresponder series that goes out automatically each day.

Your Private Group. If you're offering this as a paid course, then the group should be set to private. If you've decided to give it away, you can leave the door open to newcomers to join in any time they like. Again - great list builder, business booster and way to create a sense of community among your business minded peers.

Attitude of Gratitude Challenge Content is READY for You to Download, Customize, and Offer Lovely, Grateful Sentiments to Your People.

Attitude of Gratitude Challenge Content

What's Included: ALL 30 Days of content in One Word doc

Here's a video of me talking about/showing the content pages in this beautiful, done-for-you coaching course. Don't mind the quality of the video, please. I am a WRITER and I just made this quickly to give you a sneak peek inside the pages!

Attitude of Gratitude Challenge PLR Writing Sample 1

Attitude of Gratitude Challenge PLR Writing Sample

Here's what's included with each gratitude PLR pack. Right now you can order these as ONE document containing ALL 30 DAYS.

Attitude of Gratitude - Day 1. Trying on an Attitude of Gratitude
Attitude of Gratitude - Day 2: Accentuate the Positive
Attitude of Gratitude - Day 3. Slow Down. Take Time to Appreciate
Attitude of Gratitude - Day 4. What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger
Attitude of Gratitude - Day 5: A Cup of Self Reflection
Attitude of Gratitude - Day 6: Give Thanks for the Simple Pleasures

Attitude of Gratitude - Day 7: Hard Times Help Us Appreciate the Good
Attitude of Gratitude - Day 8. Nourish Your Soul
Attitude of Gratitude - Day 9. Surprise Gifts from Unexpected People and Places
Attitude of Gratitude - Day 10. Celebrating the Moments Between the Moments
Attitude of Gratitude - Day 11. To Be Positive and Present, Take Your Cue from a Child
Attitude of Gratitude - Day 12. Appreciating the Wisdom of Our Elders

Attitude of Gratitude - Day 13. Grateful for Your Family in All Their Beautiful Imperfection
Attitude of Gratitude - Day 14. Commune With Nature
Attitude of Gratitude - Day 15. Grateful for Your Powerful, Miraculous Body
Attitude of Gratitude - Day 16. Grateful for Your Powerful, Amazing Mind
Attitude of Gratitude - Day 17. Special Needs Folks Remind of What's Really Important
Attitude of Gratitude - Day 18. Grateful for Creature Comforts

Attitude of Gratitude - Day 19. Honoring Your Mother and Father
Attitude of Gratitude - Day 20. Challenge Yourself to Live in the Present Moment
Attitude of Gratitude - Day 21. Ode to the Bountiful Harvest
Attitude of Gratitude - Day 22. Grateful for Friends Near and Far
Attitude of Gratitude - Day 23. Happy About Your Life's Work
Attitude of Gratitude - Day 24. Celebrating Beautiful Difference

Attitude of Gratitude - Day 25. Appreciating Other Cultures
Attitude of Gratitude - Day 26. Beautiful Music Makes Life Worth Living
Attitude of Gratitude - Day 27. Your Inner Child is Calling
Attitude of Gratitude - Day 28: In Awe of Our Precious Planet
Attitude of Gratitude - Day 29. Heart and Home
Attitude of Gratitude - Day 30. Be Grateful for Friends
Closing Remarks

Attitude of Gratitude Challenge PLR Writing Sample 2

Attitude of Gratitude Challenge PLR Writing Sample 2

Attitude of Gratitude 25 PLR Social Images from Michele Neisler of Pep Talk PLR

Attitude of Gratitude 25 PLR Social Images from Michele Neisler of Pep Talk PLR

My lovely friend Michele created these PLR gratitude images to use specifically with this course. Each "day" of the course is reflected in the text shown here. Publish these in email, on social media, or in an ebook that contains all of the course material together. OR, you can easily change the wording of each image to use however you like.

Attitude of Gratitude 25 PLR Social Images from Michele Neisler of Pep Talk PLR Screen Shot

Ready to grab ALL 30 Attitude of Gratitude articles & exercises PLUS Michele's gorgeous images, and launch this right now?

buy now

"Buy Now" opens a new window - check out via PayPal, and see a list of similar products too.

Not Sure if You'll have time to Launch for November? Don't worry, if you order all 30 days together, You Also Get These 3 Additional Versions of the Same Content for ONE Low Price.

30 Days Blessed This Christmas Challenge PLRNew Year, New You 30 Day Positivity Challenge PLR 30 Days to a More Optimistic You Brandable PLR Challenge

After you check out, just log in and you will see these files in your Wordfeeder member account. Run this amazing course any time of year!

Here's a sample of your gratitude content:

Here's a sample of your gratitude content:

What if you're worried that you won't have time to launch this event in a timely fashion?

I wouldn't worry about that, but as you can see I'm an on-the-fly kind of gal. If you really aren't ready to post gratitude articles in November but still want to do an inclusive 30-day challenge with your community, then I'd turn this into a "30 Days Blessed This Christmas" 30-Day Event for December. (Works well as an advent inspired activity, don't you think?)

If anyone would like to do that, please let me know. I can use the same content that I created for the Attitude of Gratitude challenge, but go in and change all mentions of the title and use a different word for gratitude as necessary.

Ready to grab ALL 30 Attitude of Gratitude articles & exercises, and launch this right now?

buy now

Buy now opens to a new window so you won't lose this one.

don't forget your coupon code, 30DAYS, at checkout!

How to Access Your FREE Attitude of Gratitude Article:

Once your order processes, you will be asked to create a login to the Wordfeeder member site. Do this, then check your email for a confirmation, plus another email containing your delivery of the files.

If you have any questions or trouble with your download, email me and I'll get back to you as quickly as possible.

THANKS for supporting my freelance business. CHEERS to you in yours!

Dina at Wordfeeder PLR


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