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How to Advance-Publish Your Email Newsletter Using PLR Content

How to Advance-Publish Your Email Newsletter Using PLR Content

Do you struggle to come up with topics for your company's email newsletter? Feel like you're behind the eight ball in terms of always having to think up something before you miss your monthly deadline?

Routine and consistency are both key to building a following via email communication. I'm going to share with you some great tips for effortless newsletter creation using PLR.

Did you know that you can "set and forget" your company newsletter? List managers like Aweber offer the option to advance-post newsletter issues to be sent at a later date. You can even rig them to automatically post to Facebook and Twitter once the newsletter breaks.

This allows you to essentially plan the entire year's worth of newsletters, hire a VA to work on (or DIY) your monthly issues and autoresponder series, then go about your life.

If you'd like to offer additional newsletter announcements over the course of a month, you can do these on the fly. Or, not. It's up to you. What an amazing way to maintain positive contact with your fans and continue to grow your list!

Steps to Using PLR to Take the Headache Out of Newsletter Creation

Research what's trending in your industry. Coaches might search out self improvement or business content, typically. Fitness or health and wellness experts should read up on what's hot in their respective niches. Make a list of the hot topics that would interest your readers and that you'd be comfortable talking about.

Shop for content. All of the PLR content producers that I'm in contact with run special sales and offer discounts on bulk content packs. So check my site, Wordfeeder.com, to see what sort of deals you can get on PLR. The PLR content packs that you buy now can be saved onto your computer to be used at a later date.

Edit the articles and other content that you purchase. For example, if you're a holistic health coach and you buy 10 articles on EFT, then open up each one and find ways to edit the copy so that it sounds like you and reflects your own knowledge and expertise of the subject matter.

Edit your PLR content. If you buy an ebook or special report that you plan to sell or share via your newsletter, you can add your own images and examples to enrich the information. And don't forget to brand your business wherever possible by including real-life examples, mentions of your company name, and of course, an About the Author bio at the end which shares a list of your services or current product offerings.

Advance-plan the entire year. Outline the topics that you'll cover for each month of the calendar year. Think seasonally. Certain topics trend at specific times. For example, recipes, comfort cooking, depression, relationships and forgiveness are all topics people might be searching during November and December.

Create your first newsletter issue. Save each article to its own page on your website or blog. Copy the title and first paragraph or two, into the body of your newsletter's feature article area. Add a link that people can click to read more. Dream up a promotion to go with it. If the promotion is an ebook, create a sales page that you can write a little intro to from your newsletter and then link to it so people can learn more and buy.

Add the small details. If you plan to include other little tidbits, type those up and insert into your newsletter issue. Ideas: a short description of your services. Client testimonials. A brief Q&A. You might even publish a case study that you've saved among your client files.

Put it all together. When you're happy with your newsletter, set it up to send from your list manager, and advance-date the issue.

Repeat this process for the remaining calendar months.

Advance planning your newsletter will take a while, sure. But think of all the time you just freed up in your work schedule! And if you hire a VA to do it, then you've saved yourself even more time which is better spent serving clients.

Congrats, now you know how to make your life as a small business owner a little easier by using PLR content to head off your projects.

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