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10K Business Growth Strategies Checklist: How Soon Can You Have These in Place?

Hey friends! It's time to lock in on strategies to get you out in front of more potential clients and customers online.

Do you want to make more money while working less? Of course you do! Don't we all? Think about it, "six figures" can seem daunting to some. But what if you set it as an income goal of 10,000 per month? Sounds more doable, right? And that breaks down to $2,500 per week.

Still scary? How about $357 per day? (I like the weekly goal myself because this way if one day your sales bomb, you have the rest of the week to focus on sales goals).

If you keep your list growing, with all systems in place to have both direct and passive income streaming in… if you map out your combo of services AND products to sell online… it's more of an attainable reach.

And you can take baby steps to reach 10K per month. First figure out how to get to 5K. Then up your goal to 7K. Keep it going!

Years ago I picked up one of copywriter Bob Bly's books. This one short read turned out to be life-changing for me. There was a section devoted to breaking down income goals similar to what I just described. So if you wanted to plan out your marketing like this… you could do it.

So let's think of some goals you can set for your business to make more money for the final leg of this year so you can hit the ground running in January.

Give your website or blog, and brand, a facelift. The About page of your site is a GREAT place to start. That's the first place people look when wanting to know "who is behind this message, and do I like and trust him or her?"

Grow your list fast by sharing more free ebooks, special reports and other helpful giveaways (you do have a way for people to sign up via email on every page of your site, right??)

Develop your paid offerings for a tiered approach to selling. Remember that if you ONLY offer services but NO products, you're leaving income possibilities behind. NOT everyone who finds you online will book services with you. BUT many who don't hire you WILL happily part with small amounts for ebooks and email courses that teach them what they want to know.

Build affiliate relationships, and organize your approach to sharing recommendations to others' products

Segment your audience for different niches. Wordfeeder offers content for business and life coaches, food bloggers, natural health experts, home & family bloggers, relationships & self help professionals, essential oils bloggers, keto & weight loss publishers, and simple living readers. You can break up your offerings in a similar way, but remember to target and organize the pages of your blog or website accordingly.

Streamline your sales page format/template so that each time you launch a new product, you can just version the copy as needed! Saves you hundreds of hours

Start running "themed learning" months that hone in on specific topics your readers burn to know more about. You've probably seen, or launched, a 30-day challenge. This is a GREAT way to take your readers through a transformational learning process for a full month. Both you and the people who buy your materials/take your courses will become EXPERTS in whatever it is you're teaching… AND with help from my writer friends and me, you'll have PLR content to guide you in this incredible learning experience.

Let's Do BIG Things Together

For my own business, I've been thinking of starting a Facebook group where there is actual dialogue happening. I'd like to help people take those steps to increase monthly income, and use private label rights content to make that happen.

However, one thing I'm afraid of is that I won't have enough time to run my group! I spend every minute of my days working. (The coaches on my list are probably shaking their heads right now.) :D

If I create a new Facebook group, would you join and jump in with questions? I might try it. But I'll tell you one thing, I never enjoy it when Facebook clutters up with "junk posts," I'll call them. One marketer whose work I love started a group like this, and there is so much "water cooler" chit chat on there that I left the group and chose to hear from him via email instead.

Another possibility is that I might do a weekly Q&A via email. This way, you get your question about using PLR to grow your business and income FAST, answered in detail… without having to wade through social media memes and clutter!

A third option would be to find a place where I can host group discussions that is NOT on Facebook. If you know of a great online conference room type of place where I can do this, let me know. I'm very interested.

In the meantime, if you are a life coach or self help expert, consider that I've got a great topic in the works for you to focus on with your own clients and followers in September.

Positive Mindset Shift articles are being expertly crafted this week. You can turn this into your own group workshop, email course, set of blog posts, ebook, video series, or all of the above! I can't wait to share this inspiring and motivating content with you, so stay tuned for more info on this.

Thanks for being my reader. I wish you a productive and profitable week.

Dina at Wordfeeder PLR