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Move Past Writer's Block With the "Coach's Bio Writing Helper" from Wordfeeder

Competition's fierce for coaches. No matter if you're a business coach, health coach, productivity coach or life coach... you want to stand out from the herd and be remembered, right?

A killer coaching bio (often seen on your About page, or on social media profiles) helps you keep new business flowing in!


A Good Coaching Bio Should...

Once you've completed writing your own Coaching Bio, you'll finally be able to put it to work for your business!

You can publish your coaching bio, or a short version of it, in the following places:

To help you develop a coaching bio that's short enough to be web-friendly but long enough to be effective, I've broken down the project into manageable parts.

Part 1: A compelling lead-in
Part 2: "Your story" - *especially critical to this industry
Part 3: How you're different, who you help, and how
Part 4: Your career highlights and credentials
Part 5: A few personal details
Part 6: Call to action and contact information

Next, I comprised a series of questions. These are the same questions I use when working with my copywriting clients - but I'm giving them to you here for a bargain price point!

Why do I Need a Series of Questions to Help me Write My Coaching Bio?

I'm so glad you asked. :)

Your responses to the questions will help you face and conquer the daunting task of composing your coaching bio.

They will wrestle you free from the stuck place you're in, so you can move on to creating lively and compelling bio copy that helps you captivate your audience and forge a trust-based relationship with them.

These questions will bring you clarity on who you are, how you managed to be here, and what your true purpose is in helping clients.

And the answers to the questions will let you go on to crafting a coaching bio that gives readers a clear picture of how you can help them reach their personal and professional goals.

Are you ready to tackle this project that you've been avoiding for so long, and finally write a coaching bio that gracefully yet succinctly sums up everything you are to the people you help?

Great! Come and get your Coach's Bio Writing Questionnaire

Coach's Bio Writing Helper - Questionnaire Download 

Your file will be delivered via an email that comes from JVZoo. The file will look like this, but you'll be able to read it of course!

THANK YOU for supporting my freelance career. Cheers to you in yours!