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Using Pre-Written Health Content to Create Profits Online

Here Are My Best Tips for Boosting Your Online Wellness Blog

Hi there, natural health publisher... are you having a productive and profitable day? I certainly hope so. I wanted to talk to you about all the amazing things you can do for your online income simply by finding free and low-cost, private label rights health content to share with your list of eager blog readers.

First, let me point you in the direction of one of our outstanding health and wellness content packs.  It's the "Happy, Healthy, Fit and Well" super bundle containing 12,463 words of high quality articles on widely searched health topics.

So let me tell you what I love about this content pack:

It's huge! There are more than 12,000 words total here. Topics cover diabetes, blood pressure, dieting and weight loss, and a bonus bunch of miscellaneous helpful health tips.

Here's one of them now:

"Zinc lozenges work to suppress coughs as well as soothe irritated throats. The zinc boosts the virus-zapping immune cells." Tips like these are short, sweet, helpful and perfect for any number of publishing uses online. Video slide shows are hot right now - you can easily paste these into a video to publish that will do wonders for your site traffic and visibility online.

You can instantly turn it into a high-value ebook. There's so much information here, and it's all topics people go hunting for online. So the very first thing you can do with this content is make it into an ebook by adding good quality images. Brand it all over the place with your logo, head shots and other company images.

It's cleverly organized! All the tips are organized into articles which are conveniently divisible. Publish all the content at once, and you have an ebook. Then paste one article at a time into your blog or your newsletter publication. Next, the same tips can be broken up into self-standing social media posts.

Now Let Me Tell You How to Use This High Quality Wellness Content to Publish and Profit

So it would work like this: first you grab, say, an article on lowering blood pressure. Post it in your blog. Then copy and paste one of the individual tips from the article. Pop it into a social media post along with a compelling graphic that you create. Add a "read more" call to action and link back to your blog post.

Your blog just happens to have a mailing list signup AND a link to purchase your Happy Healthy Ebook... and of course, you've signed up for Pay Per Click advertising and as an Amazon affilite and included relevant products on all your posts. So every time someone clicks an ad or makes a purchase via your blog, YOU make money! And there you go, that's how internet marketing is done and money is made!

Once again, this 5-part super bundle of high value health tips can be yours today for just $29. That is some rad deal on really great content written and researched by a seasoned expert.

You'd pay thousands to have this crafted from scratch for your company. If you grab this today, it's yours to edit, put your name on, and share or sell however you like.

Learn more here and order while the sale price is still good! Don't forget coupon code HAPPYHEALTHY at checkout.


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