Life Coaches, Therapists, Mental Health Experts, Clinical Psychologists:
Would you like to launch a 10-Day Mindfulness Challenge?
Here's some done-for-you coaching content, including a Canva template, to get you going.
I decided on a 10-Day Mindfulness Challenge for the August Life Coach monthly content release. As always, people who prefer to order ala carte will get a coupon when the content drops 3rd week of July.
Hi, this is Dina from Wordfeeder. I'm the chief writer behind the content that we offer here.
I take great pleasure in writing the life coaching content. It's truly satisfying to me. At first I was resisting the lure of gorgeous summer weather because work takes priority. Then I realized that going with it was the answer. Taking just one hour at our beautiful lake beach is SO worth it for my productivity, and for yours and your clients' as well.
Being mindful in nature, immersing in self-care like this, improves my writing when I return. So the mindfulness challenge was created in a truly blissful, satisfied and mindful state. I'm on the last few pages now, and loving it!
In the above photo, I'm catching one last blissful moment by the water before returning later in the evening to continue creating content.
Here are a few screen shots of the Mindfulness 10-Day Challenge in process.
Here's the Canva template during editing.
if you haven't yet used this program, you should try it. It's SO fast and easy to make logos, layouts, banners and printable templates.
My only issue is the screen jumping around while I'm inputting written content. They should really fix that. Jumping screens are an irritating thing. (Have you noticed this happens now in WordPress too?)
How Will You Launch This Done-for-You Mindfulness Journaling Challenge?
Plan to set this up as an email autoresponder series and include a PDF download for clients to work on this on their computer as needed. (The Canva template will be a part of that deliverable - they can print out the pages.)
You can also set up your course as a series of password-protected blog posts, a group social media challenge, or an in-person coaching workshop that meets once per week to discuss each person's journal entry.
If you decide on one of these alternate options, you'll need to rework the enclosed sales copy to reflect those details.