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Use PLR to Sell More Coaching Products and Programs...

While Working less, Helping People and Having FUN

Are you a life coach struggling to get and keep clients? There's a better way.
Book fewer hours… yet make more money, and help more people. How can you do this?
Switch gears… from selling coaching hours to selling digital products.

Offer ebooks, courses, planners, and classes!

You don't have to create all of your Coaching Courses, Ebooks, Classes and Marketing materials from scratch.

Instead, you can purchase some of your content as "PLR". That means it comes with private label rights.

PLR content comes to you already written, for you to customize, edit, share or sell as your own!

Set up your content you can start to Drive Profits While Helping People Solve Problems... affordably, and with Joy.

Not sure where to start? Okay... first things first.

You need more people on your list. Here's what to do:

Priority One: start collecting email addresses.

Set up an opt-in gift so people will sign up to hear from you.

Run topic-themed months. Here's the simple plan:

Publish articles that target a single client problem.

Set up content to sell as an ebook, online course, video tutorial or email challenge.

Push the articles out on social and link back to your sales page that talks up the course.

Set the digital product at an appealing price point. Limit spots. Fill it up!

Get ready to run your email course, automate ebook delivery, or host your class on social media.

It's EASY, FUN and REWARDING to work as a Life Coach Who Helps People Live Better, Stress Less and Love More Completely!


Plus, your fans will LOVE this affordable, useful alternative to pricy coaching hours.

FREE Quickstart Guide to Creating Profits with PLR

free plr quickstart ebook

Learn more about the guide here


Available as a free gift when you
sign up for our $10 Basic PLR Membership

sign up

Download now to access PLR article samples and quickstart guide immediately:


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