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Wordfeeder Business PLR Membership | 2023 PLR Article Releases and Titles

Small Business Startup Guide PLR Pack 3 "Create Your Small Business Website" and Pack 7: "Your Marketing" PLR Content

Small Business Startup Pack 3 Sample:

Small Business Startup Pack 7 Sample:


Using Upwork to Procure Paid Work as a Freelancer

PLR Content - 6200 words total with private label rights 

Titles Include:

  1. Intro
  2. How Does Upwork Work?
  3. Good to Know About Upwork
  4. How is Upwork Better Than Other Freelance Sites?
  5. Your Upwork Freelancer Profile
  6. How to Search for Freelance Jobs on Upwork
  7. Upwork: Cost to Freelancers
  8. Setting Up Your Upwork Porfolio
  9. Using Search Terms to Get Found on Upwork
  10. Avoid Upwork Job Posters Who Waste Your Time
  11. Tips for Winning Job Bids on Upwork
  12. Upwork Testimonials 

"Upwork for Freelancers PLR" - Screen Shot of the Writing:


Prefer to order articles ala carte? Order from the Upwork for Freelancers PLR Page Now


Seriously Strategic Social Media Marketing PLR

Use This Awesome Content to Make and Launch an Ebook, Emailed Course or Other Type of Digital Product. With Private Label Rights to Edit and Brand as Yours!

Do you need content that expertly and professionally covers the topic of how to be successful with social media marketing? GREAT news. We created the content, YOU get to use it to create profits.

This comes with private label rights. That means you get to put your own brand on it, edit and use it in your marketing and digital product creation any way you like.

Titles include:

  1. Intro
  2. Getting Thousands (Millions?) of Eyes on Your Social Media Posts
  3. Timing Your Social Media Posts for Maximum Impact
  4. Time is Wonky on Social Media. This is Why Lead Capture by Email is Critical
  5. Why Don't Your Social Media Posts Show Up in Your Groups as Soon as You Post Them?
  6. The Ultimate Goal of Social Media Posting No Matter What Your Business
  7. How to Set Up a Simple Social Media Post that Inspires Users to Take Immediate Action
  8. Looking at Your Own Social Media Through the Eyes of Your Followers
  9. Social Media Favors Local Businesses. So How Can You Target Locally as a Freelancer?
  10. What To Do as a Newbie to Social Media Marketing
  11. Social Media Impact... Likes and Shares, Friends Versus Strangers
  12. How to Attract Warm-to-Hot Business Prospects on Social Media
  13. Global Versus Local Hashtags in Your Social Media Marketing
  14. Best Approach to Social Media Marketing
  15. Growing Your List Using Social Media
  16. Get Super Strategic With Your Social Media Posting 


Seriously Strategic Social Media Marketing PLR - Writing Sample


Prefer to order articles ala carte? Order from the "Seriously Strategic Social Media" PLR product page

"Growing Your List with an Opt-in Gift" PLR Articles - 18 Total or 7K+ words

Articles include:

  1. ​ Intro to Income Streams ​
  2. File Formats Used in the Delivery of Digital Products ​
  3. Tips for Setting Up a File Download for Your Customers
  4. How to Sell a Coaching Package Online ​
  5. How to Bundle a Coaching Package ​
  6. Grow Your List: Set Up an Opt-in Gift They Can't Resist ​
  7. Can a Regular Person Sell Digital Products? How, and in What Niche? ​
  8. Forms of Passive Income ​
  9. Keep Digital Products Converting: Launch Something Fresh Each Season ​
  10. How to Sell Digital Products to Your List ​
  11. Creating Digital Products that Help People Solve Problems ​
  12. How Long Will It Take to Grow Your List and Start Creating Passive Income Online? ​
  13. Should You List-Build Even if You Have No Plan to Sell Digital Products? ​
  14. Let's Tackle List-Building. Ready, Set, Go! ​
  15. How to Drive Traffic from Social Media to Your Blog to Your List ​
  16. Quick Steps to Creating Your Information Handout ​
  17. Deck Out Your Opt-In Gift for MORE Interest, MORE Sign-Ups and Higher Sales Conversions ​
  18. Opt-In Gift Isn't Performing? Troubleshoot These Potential Problems, then Fix ASAP ​  

Sample of the Content:

You Also Get a Bonus Canva Template!

You Get Bonus Content With This PLR Package!

Comes with 10 PLR Images - Screen Shot Below.

Just upload these to Canva and insert into the template where you see image frames. You can delete the frames you don't need, or add your own images, too.


Prefer to order articles ala carte? Order from the "Grow Your List with an Opt-in Gift PLR" page


Press GO on Your Health Coaching Business Launch PLR Articles - 8K words (that's an extra 1K words FREE)

Titles include:

  1. Is a Health Coaching Business Right for You?
  2. Types of Health Coaches: Which One Will You Be?
  3. Refining Your Health Coaching Practice
  4. Do You Need to be Certified to Become a Health Coach?
  5. As a Health Coach, What Can You Offer to Your Clients that Will Help Them Reach Their Goals?
  6. Branding Your Health Coaching Business
  7. Identify Your Perfect Health Coaching Client
  8. A Health Coach Marketing Strategy Designed to Create Profits and Success
  9. Content Marketing for Health Coaches: Go Deep with Topics; Lead Capture is Essential
  10. List Building for Health Coaches: the Right Way to Set Everything Up
  11. Must-Know Steps for Creating Your Health Coaching Blog or Website
  12. Time for Some Fun: Playing Around in WordPress to Create the Look of Your Health Coaching Website
  13. Inputting Your Health Coaching Content into Your WordPress Blog Site
  14. Health Coach Content Planning: How Often Should You Post to Your Blog and Social Media? ​
  15. Converting Health Coaching Clients: From Your List to Your Email to Booking Your Services
  16. Create a Health Coaching Lead Magnet to Grow Your List
  17. Simple Steps to Create an Opt-in Gift for Your Health Coaching Business

Screen shot sample of the writing


Prefer to order articles ala carte? Sign up from the Press GO on Your Health Coaching Business Launch PLR Articles product page here.

Online Business for Introverts and Empaths PLR - 7K+ words total

Titles include:

  1. Intro
  2. Things that an Empath or Introvert Can Control When They Work for Themselves or Run Their Own Business
  3. What Values Can an Empath or Introvert Place at the Heart of Their Own Business?
  4. Business Avenues that Make a Great Fit for Introverts and Empaths
  5. Channel Your Empathy to Forge an Authentic Friend-Bond with Your Perfect Customer
  6. Be Empowered in your Empathy as a Business Owner Self-Awareness Brings Growth for Empathic and Introverted Business Owners
  7. Empath + Internet Connection = Branding that Slays... and Stays in the Mind of Your Customers
  8. Overcoming Fear and Self-Doubt as an Empathic Online Entrepreneur Introvert's Guide to Building an Authentic Online Brand
  9. Productivity Hacks for Introverted Online Business Owners
  10. Providing Exceptional Customer Service as an Empath
  11. Overcoming Fear and Self-Doubt as an Empathic Online Entrepreneur
  12. Introvert's Guide to Building an Authentic Online Brand
  13. Clarifying Your Brand Identity as an Introverted Business Owner
  14. Creating Valuable Content as an Empathic Online Entrepreneur
  15. Leveraging Introspection for Business Growth
  16. Tips for Introverted Business Owners on Building an Engaged Online Community
  17. Productivity Hacks for Introverted Online Business Owners
  18. Navigating Online Business Events as an Introvert: Strategies for Success 

Screen shot of the writing


Prefer to order articles ala carte? Sign up from the Online Business for Empaths and Introverts Product Page Here.

Keys to Becoming a Successful Business Coach - 13 PLR Articles or 7300 words

  1. So You Want to Be a Business Coach
  2. The Core Skills Every Business Coach Should Possess
  3. The Importance of Setting Clear Boundaries as a Business Coach
  4. The Art of Asking Powerful Questions in Business Coaching
  5. The Differences Between Business Coaching and Other Types of Coaching
  6. The Top Tools and Techniques Every Business Coach Should Know
  7. How to Develop Your Coaching Style and Approach
  8. How to Help Clients Overcome Limiting Beliefs in Business Coaching
  9. Building Self-Confidence in Your Clients: A Business Coach's Tips
  10. How to Build a Successful Business Coaching Practice
  11. The Role of Feedback in Business Coaching
  12. The Art of Setting Effective Business Goals: A Coach's Approach
  13. How to Help Clients Overcome Limiting Beliefs in Business Coaching  


Screen shot of the content:


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Influencer Marketing: Build Your Personal Brand. Connect with Companies. Grow Your Audience and Get Paid - 8K words total with private label rights

Titles include:

  1. The Meaning of Influencer Marketing
  2. The Pros and Cons of Being an Influencer for Brands
  3. Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Working with Brands as an Influencer
  4. How to Choose the Right Brands to Work with as an Influencer
  5. The Psychology of Influencer Marketing: Why It Works for Influencers
  6. The Future of Influencer Marketing
  7. The Ethics of Influencer Marketing: How to Maintain Authenticity
  8. How to Negotiate with Brands as an Influencer
  9. How to Create Authentic Content for Influencer Marketing Campaigns
  10. Measuring the Success of Your Influencer Marketing Campaigns
  11. Influencer Marketing in Niche Industries

Screen shot of the writing:


Prefer to order ala carte? Explore the Influencer Marketing Sales Page here. Content goes live third week of each month.

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Using Canva to Save Thousands on Professional Quality Graphic Designs for Your Business, Create and Launch Digital Products

  1. Intro
  2. So Many Perks to Choosing Canva
  3. How Does Canva Work?
  4. What Types of Graphic Design Projects Can You Do in Canva?
  5. What Does it Mean to Work in a Canva Template and What are the Advantages to Doing This?
  6. Quick Tips for Working in Canva
  7. Get Quick and Good at Creating in Canva
  8. How Can a Graphic Designer Make Passive Income by Making and Sharing Canva Templates?
  9. How to Get Paid as a Canva Content Contributor
  10. More Brilliant Ways to Make Money with Canva
  11. Ideas for Pricing Your Printable Canva Products, Such as Journals
  12. Canva Online Business Launch Essentials
  13. How Can a Writer Make Money Using Canva
  14. Ideas for Writers to Add Something Extra Special to Their Canva Designs 

Screen shot of the writing:


Prefer to order ala carte? Explore the Canva Monetization PLR full product page here.

Turning a Hobby into an Online Business: Monetize Your Blog with Affiliate Marketing, Sponsored Posts, Digital Products and AdSense PLR Articles - 10 Total

  1. Introduction
  2. Generate Passive Income Using Google AdSense and Your Blog
  3. Affiliate Marketing as an Online Income Stream
  4. Make Some Decent Bank Online Via Sponsored Posts
  5. Make Money Online by Creating and Selling Digital Products
  6. From Art as a Hobby to Art as a Business
  7. From Food Blog to Entrepreneur: Monetizing Your Cooking Skills
  8. Monetizing Your Writing Skills: Becoming a Successful Freelance Writer Online
  9. From Hobby to Opening a Profitable Online Design Agency
  10. How to Turn Your Love for Travel into a Profitable Online Business

Screen shot of the content so you can get an idea of the quality:


Prefer to order ala carte? Visit the full product page and get more information on this high quality business PLR content here.

PLR Articles: Exploring Income Avenues for Your Online Business Part 1

Titles include:

  1. Intro
  2. Create and Run an E-commerce Store: Make Your Money Moves
  3. Set Up Your Online Store: Essential Steps
  4. How to Search Engine Optimize Your Online Store and Attract Buyers Who Want What You Sell
  5. Make Bank with a Niche Blog: the Info You Need to Start Today
  6. How to Write, Publish and Promote Your Niche Blog Content
  7. Drive Traffic and Monetize Your Blog
  8. Try Online Consulting as Your Work-from-Home Go-to
  9. Create Your Freelance Consulting Website and Marketing Plan
  10. Work from Home as a Graphic Designer and Command a Respectable Hourly Rate
  11. Get Serious About Earning Online Via Affiliate Marketing


Or, learn more and order ala carte: Explore Income Avenues in Online Business PLR

How to Work Remotely from Your Phone and Make Money by Sharing Content on the Web PLR Articles

Article titles include:

  1. How to Communicate and Share Content on the Go From Your Android Phone
  2. Set Up Your Smart Phone the Right Way to Successfully Work Remotely Your Phone is Your Moneymaker!
  3. Ideas for Where to Work on the Go from Your Phone
  4. Using Google Docs and Your Smart Phone to Communicate, Create and Share Content Online
  5. Why Work or Conduct Business from Your Smart Phone?
  6. Working from Your Smart Phone is Great... Except When You Use Up All Your Battery Life
  7. Best Practices for Managing Media on Your Phone to Preserve Battery Life
  8. Using Google Docs as the Central Content Storage Hub for All Your Publishing Purposes
  9. How to Copy and Paste from Google Docs to the Web
  10. Stop Fussing Over Google Sharing Problems: This is an Easier Fix Than You Think.
  11. Managing Graphics and Image Based Content from Your Smart Phone
  12. Smart Phone Microphone Problems and What to Do About Them
  13. Tips for Securing Your Phone When Working on the Go 

Screen shot of the content:


Prefer to order ala carte? Learn more about How to Work Remotely from Your Phone and Make Money by Sharing Content Online


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