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How and Why to Launch a 30 Days Thankful Challenge

How and Why to Launch a 30 Days Thankful Challenge

Hey, coach or expert! Gratitude season is fast approaching. If you're thinking of grabbing the 30 Days Thankful Guided Journaling content from Wordfeeder, here are some quick tips on what to do with this content. (This content affords HUGE value with a total of 14,821 words)

So, why lead a gratitude challenge this November? One, because the year is coming to a close. There's no better time than, well, Thanksgiving, to give thanks for all of our blessings.

But while many of us would like to savor each moment and count our blessings one by one, few will remain motivated after more than a few days of writing down things to be grateful for.

Some days, the ideas just don't come. Other days, "talking to yourself" via a personal journal, with no feedback from anybody in the world, just doesn't do it for you. If you've ever felt this way, trust me, your readers do even more!

Who Should Publish a 30-Days Thankful Gratitude Journaling Challenge?

Life Coaching, Self Help, Positivity Experts

If you're a life coach, positivity expert, creative muse, self improvement guru, writing coach, or other type of leader who runs a close-knit group or enjoys communicating via a responsive list, then YES. Your people are going to LOVE this content!

Home and Family Bloggers

Another type of blogger - the home and family blogger, could certainly use this content to forge a stonger connection with readers. If you're unsure, first read through a few writing samples on the sales page, to see if it's a match. And don't forget, you can name this event whatever you like.

It doesn't have to be "30 Days Thankful" if you don't want it to. You could call it "Thankful, Grateful, Blessed." Or come up with something that reflects your style and brand more accurately.

This content is NOT holiday-specific. So if you don't have time to launch in November, it would work for the December holidays, New Year's, or even springtime.

How to Set Up a 30-Day Gratitude Challenge

How can you run this in a way that will work with your audience, and your current setup?

Rig up an email autoresponder series. If you already have many people on your list, you could reach out to your people via email and, for a low price point, invite folks to join in for a "30 Days Thankful" Guided Journaling Exercise.

Then, when people sign up, make it so that they receive one autoresponder email every day for 30 days, until Thanksgiving Day which is on November 22 this year.

Create an ebook add-on product. Another option would be to offer people an ebook add-on to their purchase. For let's say under $15 you could offer the option to download the ebook version of this content to work on at their own pace.

They can do two journal entries a day if they like... or skip a few days. Not everyone enjoys being paced out, so for your independent thinkers, the ebook could be the preferred option.

Upsell to your coaching packages. Oh, and speaking of emails. If you've already got a fantastic coaching product or program in place, the daily guided gratitude challenge could be the spot where you upsell your readers to work with you one on one as your clients. Just a brief message at the end, with a link to a sales page, or a call to action inviting them to reach out to you via email, will work nicely without seeming too pushy.

Offer to target problem areas. Another upsell could be inviting people to have you review their journal entries and then work with them on specific challenges that they're currently struggling with.

Here's an opportunity to set up blocks of paid coaching time in your member area, if you have one. Or, encourage people to book you hourly through PayPal.

Use it to grow your list. What if you don't have a list yet, but you're finally getting the idea that the money is in the list? Then you can use the 30 Days Thankful event to attract more signups.

You may even want to run the daily challenge for free. The spot to do this would be on Facebook. Lots of well-respected leaders start out by managing a Facebook group. So this could be a great way to kick that off and get people sharing and networking with you and each other.

If you go through the trouble to set this all up, you'll want to make sure your VA or whomever does your marketing puts the signup form in a prominent location.

Publish as blog posts. You can also use this content as individual blog posts. This is another excellent option for new business owners who want to grow their list fast. All you have to do is start publicizing this as a 30 Days Thankful Challenge, and posting each article and journaling exercise in its own blog posts.

Be sure to include a high quality image that matches the sentiments expressed. And don't forget to add that signup form to your blog. If you aren't sure where to put it, check out what other coaches have done. Some have their form drop in from the top. Others paste it inline with the post itself. Still others put the form in the top right sidebar.

Hook them with a "take it to go" link. If people find your blog by searching for "30 Days Thankful" or "gratitude challenge," then you'll want to be assured that they're going to stay hooked up to you.

One effective way to do this is by telling them, midway through the post or page, or at the end of the page, something like, "No time to read? Take this info to go!" Sign up for our 30-day gratitude challenge by email right now." (And then you get new signups which you can route to your autoresponder series.

To make this really effective, you should create some pretty graphics to go along with it, so the message will pop for people and they'll click that link to sign up.

The logistics of setting up all of your coaching posts, sales pages and autoresponder emails can be difficult at first. But there are a ton of virtual assistants available on any of the online business groups, like Facebook. You could also try someplace like Fiverr or maybe Upwork.

What about a video a day? Oh, here's a final idea for turning this content into something special: make a video a day for 30 days for this guided journaling series. This will take some extra planning and effort, but imagine the results you'll have after making such a strong connection with your readers during the most social and festive time of year.

Inspired? Ready? Let's Lead the Event
So, once again, if you want to lead a guided journaling exercise that covers 30 Days Thankful, here's your beautiful, done-for-you content! Once again, you get $10 off the list price of $35, so it's just $25 for more than 14,800 words for a limited time only. Grab this deal right now, and run with it!

Thanks for being my reader. I look forward to creating even more content for you to share and help others.

Dina at Wordfeeder PLR

Launch a 30-Day Challenge Any Time of Year!

Perfect Way to Connect Authentically this November... Or Whenever is the Right Time for You in Your Business. See Below, You Get to Download 14K+ words Immediately to Customize and Publish as Your Own.

30 Days Thankful Challenge

30 Days Thankful Journaling Challenge PLR

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