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What to Look for in a PLR Membership

Here's What You Want in a Done-for-You Content Provider

Well-chosen content topics.

It's important to know what topics are on-trend with your audience. Some will be perennial favorites, but others, passe. Example: people always seem to want tips on positive self talk. So it makes sense to purchase good content covering that subject in detail. But something like the law of attraction... still has some life left in it, but not the big topic of intrigue that it once was.

Strong writing.

The style of the writing doesn't matter so much as the quality of the information. You can always tune up the content once it becomes yours to tinker with. You can change wording to make it more conversational, lively, modern, etc. But if you're having to come up with all the key points just to make it worth reading, then there's really no point in having paid for the content. I will ONLY recommend content providers whose writing meets my quality approval.

Reliable means of delivering the content.

A lot of content creators use Warrior Plus and JV Zoo as their chosen digital product platforms, and that's fine. Others run an Amember database on their websites. As long as the content gets from them to you with no issue, and as long as you have a reliable way of accessing the downloads, then that tells me you're working with a first-in-class provider.

Images that look good and present well.

Images are often included with the content packs that you find online. It's a good bonus item to have if you're looking to add articles to your collection. Once you have a set of articles on a single topic, you're going to need images that match the subject matter. Your blog posts and social media posts won't perform nearly as well without images, and it can be difficult to find the right ones that look good and come with PLR rights. So when I find a good source of PLR images, I'll be sure to send them your way.

Printables that are both useful and attractive.

I'm growing an appreciation for people who make printables. For a while, I didn't know what these were or why people would want to use them in their online business. But these actually make the MOST sense as far as private label and commercial resell rights. I've come to know a good bunch of printables creators who do a most excellent job making high quality digital products that you can monetize and share with your own customers.

Professional level of customer service.

Things can go wrong when you're ordering done-for-you digital products or logging into your PLR membership. Sometimes passwords don't work. Access to the content is denied for various reasons. There's a huge logistics thing happening behind the scenes that makes your content membership function correctly. So you want a content seller who's accessible and maybe even has customer service people on call to field emails, answer questions, correct mistakes and solve problems.

Go here for my personal recommendation of PLR providers - best content, best memberships, best prices on the web.


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What to Look for in a PLR Membership

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Oh, and please use an email address that you check daily yet where I will not be interrupting your daily workflow. I want you to be HAPPY to find our mails in your inbox. :)


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