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Mindfulness Keyword Research to Help You Sell Your Digital Product and Help More People

Do you want to sell digital products that teach people about Mindfulness and Mindfulness Exercises?

Mindfulness Exercises PLR

Here at Wordfeeder PLR, the 2022 summer life coaching content theme is mindfulness. We have several meaty, white label content packs for you to pick up at value prices and turn into digital products to sell.

You can even use some of the content to publish on your blog or make a short mindfulness handout to attract ready buyers to your list. 

What types of professionals can and should teach mindfulness?

Coaches, therapists, counselors, nurses, teachers, trainers, guides, speakers

WHO wants to learn mindfulness? 

Mindfulness Exercises PLR

The below keyword research on Mindfulness Exercises was taken from WordTracker.com. Here's what we know about keywords:

The drilled-down keyword searches that do happen will be very likely conducted by people who are actively hunting the internet with the intention of making a purchase.

Even if they don't purchase today, people who drill down with their word searches are more likely to visit your site, read your advice and sign up out of genuine fascination with the subject matter.

Think about this: 200 people who searched "mindulness exercises for teens" seems like a less exciting number than 15,000 people who searched for mindfulness.

BUT, 200 searches in a month is still a pretty good number if you're hoping for high conversions of your info products. 

Here's the keyword search results for Mindfulness Exercises in summer of 2022.

Hope you use these to tune up your blog posts with the right phrases for your audience, so you can be found by ready buyers, and get your digital products into the right hands!

Mindfulness Keyword Research - August 2022

Want Mindfulness PLR Content to Brand and Sell Digital Products that Help People?

Wordfeeder has thoughtfully-written, professional-quality content for you that speaks to mindfulness seekers. Choose from our brand new Mindfulness Exercises PLR (written content + images), 10-Day Mindfulness Journaling Challenge PLR, or  "Mindfulness Every Day" 15 Mindfulness PLR articles with private label rights. Order all 3 packs, and you have enough content to launch and market a mindulness coaching product AND use the content for your one-on-one work with clients.

Mindfulness Exercises PLR

Mindfulness Exercises PLR + Images

10-Day Mindfulness Journaling Challenge PLR with MS Word doc + Canva Template

10-Day Mindfulness Journaling Challenge PLR with MS Word doc + Canva Template

"Mindfulness Every Day" 15 Mindfulness PLR Articles+ Images

"Mindfulness Every Day" 15 Mindfulness PLR Articles+ Images

If you work as a Life Coach PLR Monthly Members, you might already have some of this content in your Wordfeeder paid account.


You are not longer required to sign up for a basic membership to order a product. If you find an error in any form, please email dina @ wordfeeder . com. no spaces. Thank you.