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Sales Funnels 101 - All You Ever Wanted to Know About Using Sales Funnels to Boost Your Profits Online

Hey, coaches and experts. Interested in mastering the art of creating expert sales funnels to greatly increase your income online while reducing the amount of work you do on a daily basis? Here's the lowdown on sales funnel fundamentals from Wordfeeder PLR and friends.

What's a Sales Funnel and How Can You Set YOurs Up to Make More Money ONline?

Coaches… do you utilize sales funnels to considerably increase your online income? If not, then you're seriously missing the boat when it comes to your business. Read on for sales funnels 101, then take the next step to putting a sales funnel to work making you money on the web.

The Sales Funnel Explained

A sales funnel starts with content that your readers find while searching online for information. If you're a coach, then clearly you should be publishing coveted advice to help people take the first step in creating a business, improving their lives, or both.

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Holes in Your Sales Funnel? Stop Purchasers from Falling Through the Cracks

Business owner: do you use sales funnels to compound your income online? For those who mostly focus on offering hourly services, it may be time to take a good, hard look at what people are willing to open their wallets for these days. A series of products that go from free, to low-priced, to high-ticket, will ensure that your sales funnel has no holes, so you won't miss a potential sale.

Here's what's cool about sales funnels, assuming you're funnel-savvy and many coaches and online biz owners are. Your sales funnel can be a pretty reliable gauge for knowing how much you're going to make on any given week. However, there's one red flag of sales funnels, and that is that you may have some holes where potential sales are leaking and subscribers are falling through.

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Sales Funnel Fundamentals for Your Online Biz

Sales funnel confusion… it's more common than you might think. You're far from the only professional online who doesn't know the proper way to set up your sales funnels. In fact, I'm a long-time copywriter and I STILL struggle with coordinating all the elements of sales funnels. But with a little guidance and administrative support, you too can do like the experts, and start funneling profits your way.

Below, find the most basic, easy-to-follow, sales funnel formula for your future success!


Element 1: Your Online Sales Page.

This one obviously comes first. You might call it a landing page, or in the case of a free opt-in, a squeeze page. It serves one purpose—to get the reader to take action. Whether that's to buy a product or offer up their email address in exchange for a free gift, this is the gateway into your funnel. Everything that follows depends on this page, so you want to be sure you:

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Follow-Up Sequences to Maximize Your Sales Funnel's Effectiveness

Sales pages are great, but they aren't the be-all, end-all of your online marketing effort. To greatly increase your potential for making sales on the fly, you need to prime your sales pages with a series of follow-up emails. In case you missed it, we have a great freebie that will get you tuned into creating follow-ups. With a little practice, this sales-funnel necessity will become like second nature.

Suppose you've just developed a free opt-in to start attracting new, targeted subscribers. Let's say that you offered a free webinar. The free webinar was the first taste for your new followers, which led to them discovering a higher-ticket training program that they have the option to upgrade to.

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Sales Funnels: The Tech Side.

All right, so now you know the ins and outs of sales-funnel building. Before you jump on the project, you'll need to set up some online tools to get the automation part of this working for your business. Below find a list of highly recommended providers:

PayPal. The simplest of all payment processors, PayPal allows you to take payments online for a very reasonable fee. PayPal is the preferred choice worldwide, and can be easily integrated into your sales pages, website, blog and more.

AWeber. Aweber has been around for a while now. It's a trusted name that many online entpreneurs choose to automate their email marketing and get permission-based email management system on their side. You'll find AWeber to be easy on the wallet, with multiple packages that allow you to increase the budget gradually as your business and your needs grow. Their service features things like autoresponders and broadcast emails, list automation, and segmenting, so you can send emails exactly when—and to whom—you want.

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Why Doesn't Your Funnel Convert More Sales?

Whether you choose to set up your sales funnel using a Wordpress plug-in, opt for sales pages that link together on your traditional website, or go for a sales funnel setup on someone else's website, you may be wondering why, after all this painstaking work, is your sales funnel not selling as well as it should?

Cohesiveness is the key to a sales funnel that converts. Below find some questions to ask yourself the next time you feel like it's time to make some modifications to your sales funnel setup:

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