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Done-for-you coaching ebook:

Empathy Ebook with Master Resell Rights: "Increase Empathy. Fight Less. Love More!"

Are you in search of a well-written, professionally designed ebook on the topic of empathy and how to use it to improve your relationships?

Empathy is a valuable interpersonal skill. Now more than ever, we must remind people to put empathy in practice in their relationships, both in person and online; personal, and professional.

Download the "Increase Empathy. Fight Less. Love More!" ebook with Master Resell Rights now.

This content is perfect for psychology experts, life coaches, therapists and mental health publishers to offer as a digital product from their website.

Download the ebook in PDF format. Launch as your own product. YOU get to keep all the profits!

Wordfeeder is a top provider of private label rights content. Now we're offering our content with master resell rights! Selling ebooks has never been faster or simpler.

We've already done all the hard work of writing, image-gathering, placing content, formatting, and making into a PDF for you.

If you want to launch a digital product, all you have to do is download, upload, set it up to market and sell... and you're ready to make some passive income in the self improvement, mental health or relationships niche!

This is what your reader will see when they order from you and download the PDF ebook on Empathy...

See Below for Sample Page Layouts... 39 Pages of High Quality Written Content, Already Inputted and Ready to Download as a PDF Ebook!

Launch a beautiful ebook to teach empathy to your psych readers in no time flat:

  1. Simply order this MRR (Master Resell Rights) Digital Product
  2. Download as a PDF
  3. Upload the PDF ebook to your server
  4. Launch this in a matter of days or even hours!

Here's what you get with the Increase Empathy. Fight Less. Love More! Done-for-You Ebook

Gorgeous, professionally designed PDF Ebook for fast, easy download, including...

Topics include:

  1. Welcome
  2. Introduction
  3. Why is Empathy Important to Our Happiness
  4. How Does a Lack of Empathy Affect Social Skills?
  5. How to Practice Empathy in Your Life
  6. Teaching Empathy to Kids
  7. Empathy Training Begins in Preschool
  8. Why Do Some People Have More Empathy Than Others?
  9. Learning to Practice Empathy
  10. Can Adults Learn Empathy?
  11. Empathy in Real Life
  12. Empathy in the Digital Age
  13. Tips for Communicating with Empathy Online
  14. Empathy as a Trait of Strong Leaders
  15. Using Empathy for Good
  16. The Dark Side of Empathy: Manipulation
  17. What Happens When People Don't Have Empathy?
  18. Dealing With Family Members Who Lack Empathy
  19. In Summary
  20. Thank You for Reading  
  21. How to Use This MRR Psychology Ebook to Create Profits Online

How Much for This Professional Quality, Done-for-You Psychology Ebook?

Original Price is $86

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