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Content Publishing Tips for Christian Bloggers - Interview with Kelly McCausey of Daily Faith PLR

Do you blog to the Christian community? If so, you're likely to find a rapt audience right on the World Wide Web. If you're interested in "going pro" with your faith-based blog as a way to connect with other Christians while also creating income to support your family, then read on.

Many Christian people take their hopes, fears, dreams and relationship problems to the internet. Even those who may have wandered from the church may search for God online. They're craving comfort during troubled times. They seek words of virtue from those who uphold Christian values in their everyday lives.

If you do run a Christian blog or church based publication, you may wonder if there is an audience and market for what you do. The answer is a resounding YES.

You may also worry about not always be able to keep up with writing, and that's understandable.

For those times when you aren't up for the challenge, there is a great deal of high quality content available with private label rights to publish under your own name. One of the best sources I've found for prewritten, faith-based blog content is Daily Faith PLR. The site is owned by Kelly McCausey and Tishia Lee, and they do a beautiful job providing thought-provoking, faith-based content that you can purchase for an affordable price and retool/republish in your blog.

I decided to pick Kelly's brain for some common questions that Christian bloggers might have about how to make the most of pre-written content to publish in their blogs.

  1. What topics do Christian blog readers typically want to learn about?

    I believe they're often looking for spiritual encouragement. Living into a faith filled life isn't always easy in this world. There's so much difficulty we face, we need more content that shows us love, grace and mercy.

  2. Is it possible to make money on the web while connecting with other Christian readers online? How can, say, a group of Christian moms work together to create passive income online?

    That's a huge question for sure. Whenever you solve problems and meet needs, you have the possibility of creating an income around it eventually. The closer you can come to saving someone time or money, the more likely they are to invest with you.

    In my experience, most faith based bloggers are more interested in building a reach so they can have an impact on lives. They are ministry focused, more than business focused. Even then it is often possible to build in a few small streams of income around relevant recommendations made with affiliate links.

  3. Please provide an example of what a Christian blogger might be able to create using private label rights content.

    A great use of PLR is in the creation of a subscriber gift. A set of devotions or a small report focused on dealing with a common life issue make for a wonderful gift that your readers will be happy to trade their email address for and want to keep hearing from you.

  4. What's the best way to keep things affordable online, both for the Christian blogger, and his or her audience of subscribers who may be interested in purchasing things like ecourses, ebooks, and self-help guides.

    Digital products can so easily be sold at a fair and affordable price because you're selling it to so many different people in the long run. Don't make the mistake of thinking 'Hey, I put a lot of work into this - I need to charge more.' It's faulty thinking. Realize you'll be selling the resource for years to come and your profits will be long running.

    Dig into understanding how affiliate marketing works and look for natural/relevant resources to share.

  5. What drove you to creating content for Christian faith bloggers? What types of content do you offer on Daily Faith PLR? 

    I've been in the PLR industry from the very early days and have always known faith based content was needed. I've seen a few providers give it a shot but they lacked consistency. Tishia and I decided we had the skills, contacts and systems required to make a Christian PLR business work, so decided to go for it. It's been pretty exciting.

  6. Is there a way for your readers to get a bulk discount on Christian blog content?

    Hmmm, not that I can think of at this time. We don't tinker with discounts very often at Daily Faith. Instead we focused on pricing our packages on the low side of the industry, to be of good service to ministry focused publishers. 

  7. What seasonal topics do you recommend for blogging to the Christian community?

    You've heard of C&E Christians? This is a joking reference to believers who only go to church on Christmas and Easter. These are holidays with strong spiritual significance so they always get lots of attention. Beyond that, think about the flow of life and seasons and look to add value wherever you can.

  8. Do you feel an emotional connection with the content that you provide over on Daily Faith PLR?

    Some of it I've written myself many years ago, so yes. Certainly, I feel connected to it. As a whole, I feel a great love for the content as I know how important faith filled content was to me when I was a young believer 20+ years back. There's so much religious nonsense being published, I love that we focus on creating content that spreads love, grace and mercy. That's what Jesus was most interested in when he walked among us.

  9. Is there any other advice you'd like to offer Christian readers? If so, what is it? 

    Don't hold back. Share as much loving faith filled content as you can, including your own story of coming to know Jesus. Don't let others intimidate you or suggest what you do has no value. No matter how small your audience, the message we share has the power to change lives. May God bless your blog!

About Our Guest Blogger

Kelly McCausey and Tishia Lee of Daily Faith PLR offer high quality, faith-based written content and PLR images to use in your Christian blog, ministry work or church publications. Sign up for their list and be notified each time they release a new, value-priced package of PLR bible and Christian content.

"Sign up" opens up to a page on Kelly and Tish's website.