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White Label Content: The Perfect Shortcut to Help You Publish Faster, Better.

White Label Content: The Perfect Shortcut to Help You Publish Faster, Better

Create MORE Passive Income in LESS Time with White Label Content on Your Side

What is White Label Content?

"White label" is another way of describing a brandless product. You may have purchased the "no frills" brand of toilet paper at your local grocery store. Or maybe you purchased "OEM" software which stands for Original Equipment Manufacturer.

White label products are purchased with a license to resell under your own brand name.

Let's use wine as an example. You probably bought a bottle of wine with a celebrity name advertised on the label. And that celebrity did not have their own vineyard. They purchased the wine from a vineyard who sold it to them with a white label. That came with permission for the celebrity, or any other buyer, to rebrand the wine with their own label.

Okay, so What is White Label Content, Then?

In the case of content, you're purchasing articles or other types of content that include what is known as a private label rights license.

You get to edit, copy, paste, brand, and use the content to create a digital product which you then resell with personal use rights.

That means that even though you bought the content to resell, you cannot offer the same level of usage rights to your customers. This protects the integrity of the content.

What Types of White Label Content Can You Purchase?

Sets of prewritten tips.

These can be grouped into same-topic lists, and shared as a web article or blog post. They can also be presented individually and posted on your social media pages and groups.

Prewritten articles.

Most web-friendly articles are broken up into lists of tips. Each "tip" or point is then developed with a few supporting sentences.

Post one of the articles on your website, or share on social media.

You can copy and paste one article as a blog post, share it in your email newsletter, or paste it into a social media post.

You can also group several articles together to make a lead magnet download. Format your lead magnet in Canva. Save it as a PDF to share with your readers.

Collect a larger grouping of white label articles to turn into an ebook or emailed course.

Again, Canva makes a great program to design your ebook with a professional, branded look and feel. Download as a PDF, then upload to your server. Save the link to share in an automated email after a customer purchases the ebook for instant download.

A variation of this is to set up the content in an autoresponder email series. Copy and paste one article into one email that will send automatically after purchase of the email course.

Add an intro, greeting and closing. Add an upsell if you have one. Make this "day 1" of your emailed course. Continue for as many lessons as you'd like to share in your course.

White label ebooks.

With white label ebooks, the work of gathering the content and presenting it as an ebook has already been done. You might order your ebook plain (unstyled), in MS Word. Or you can purchase an ebook that comes in an editable Canva template.

White label ebooks can be branded with your company details, logo, images and styling. Add your expert bio and upsells to the back!

Multi-Module White Label Courses.

This type of content will cost more because the work has already been done. You get the option to customize it if you desire, or sell the course as-is. Modules refers to the sections of the course.

Elements included in your white label course with private label rights might include an ebook PDF; emailed lessons for an autoresponder series; a video tutorial or several of them; questionnaires; checklists; goal sheets and journaling prompts.

Advantages of Buying White Label Content

What are the advantages of purchasing white label content?

The price of white label (or private label rights) content is much lower than if you ordered the content written from scratch, exclusively for your company.

White label content is a major production shortcut. It can take weeks, months and sometimes even years to create and launch a course or set up a digital product to sell.

With white label digital products like ebooks, you're handed a completed draft that you are free to use as-is, or edit any way you like.

You can learn a lot from white label products. They're like purchasing a naked, bare-bones version of a course that you would pay hundreds or even thousands if you purchased it directly from a company or expert.

You don't even have to sell the white label content product if you're not ready to do that. You can just invest a few dollars here and there to collect content on topics that you'd like to learn more about. Then when you're ready, make back your investment by selling the content as your own product!

What To Do After Purchasing White Label Content

Save the file(s). Download the document and save it to your computer or remote storage, in a properly labeled folder so you'll be able to find it easily later on, when you need it.

Open the document and read through it.

You'll need to connect with what's there if you plan to get your money's worth, and actually use the content to create and sell a product.

Plan your keyword strategy.

You can use the titles supplied to you when you purchased the content package. But a better idea is to do some keyword research homework. Choose a phrase that will reach your desired audience.

Let's say that you downloaded content that uses the words "Mindful Holidays" in every title.

Your audience would respond more readily to "coping with holiday stress". So with those words in mind for your keyword targeting, go ahead and change each title, including the main title if you plan to make this into an ebook, to reflect the new wording.

Add some branding razzle dazzle.

This is the step that makes white label content *yours.* Your brand has a unique flavor which shows up in your writing tone. If you like, you can do a brainstorm of possible titles for this content series that you plan to share. Select your favorite, then get busy with product creation and branding using your chosen title.

Set up everything you need to sell or share the content as a product. This would include:

Purchase White Label Content at Wordfeeder

White Label Coaching Courses


Don't leave without trying out some sample articles! We make GREAT content here that you can edit and brand as yours!

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