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Editing Done-for-You Health Course Content to Make it Look and Sound Like You

Editing Done-for-You Health Course Content to Make it Look and Sound Like You

Wondering how to edit rebrandable health course content so that it reflects your brand, values, voice of your business and most importantly, your ideas?

Before we get into the nuances of this topic, let's just cover the concept of buying course content that you brand as your own. Is this legit and legal? Yes, it certainly is, and lots of professionals do this every day.

In fact.. the use of private label goes back decades. The idea is that you're paying for accurate information that a researching and writing expert has already done the work to create, so that you can use this information as the basis for your own creation.

To start: think of done-for-you course content as a prewritten draft.

If you're going to purchase pre-written ecourse content to sell as your own, you should be thinking of what you buy as a pre-written draft. You would never just publish a draft at first glance, right? Similarly, ecourse content that you buy and brand will also need an overhaul if you want to make it original and unique.

Here are a few tips for editing your health and wellness course PLR:

Take a broad view first.

Look at overall topics. Which do you want to tackle first? What's going where? Which could you potentially move to a different section of the ebook? The order of the points made in each section can also be moved around, to create uniqueness.

Add your own examples.

To do this, you really want to go deep into what's being said, and come up with your own, unique thoughts and stories to support the main points, or to develop your own, additional points. If you don’t think you can do this, of course you can.

You chat on social media every day, don't you? Then you're probably well versed in the art of developing ideas.

Take it paragraph by paragraph.

An effective method for turning PLR content into your own writing is to take it paragraph by paragraph, and rewrite as you go. To what extent you decide to do this is entirely up to you.

Outline your strategy.

If you really want to make sure the ecourse is original and not a duplicated version of the content you purchased, then you should sit down, either before or after you have the purchased content that you plan to use, and create an outline. Your outline will cover what's involved in the ecourse, by chapter and section.

Some of the outline will likely contain points that you yourself can make and develop. Other parts, you can fill in with written information later using the content that you purchased.

Adding Your Signature Touches

Here are some great tricks for making pre-existing content into a beautiful and original ecourse:

Add Helpful Tips. These can be in lists of their own, or they can show up in the sidebar in a contrasting color.

Insert Anecdotes. Your ecourse will become a lot more personal and intimate if you add your own stories and detail real-life experiences you've had. You don't have to do this if you don't want to, but it helps in making a connection with your reader.

True stories provide anecdotal evidence which increases confidence in your words. Even made-up stories help because they paint a picture the reader might relate to.

Add Well-Placed Quotes. A famous or popular quotation can emphasize a point you're trying to make. It can drive a point home in a universal way. And it can reveal that well-known and well-respected individuals support the same ideas you're promoting. Quotes make people think, and this increases understanding.

Add a Chapter Summary and Review.

A summary and series of review questions at the end of each chapter will help cement the information into the mind of your readers.

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This DIY Ecourse Development Series from Wordfeeder PLR includes...

  1. Let's Go Shopping for Awesome, Affordable Health and Wellness Ecourse Content
  2. Brandable Health Ecourse Content: HOT Health and Wellness Topics Your Readers Will LOVE to Learn About
  3. Brainstorming a Health or Self Care Ecourse Made With PLR Content
  4. Yoga and Stress Relief Ecourse Content Plus Killer Creation Tips
  5. Quick Tips for Editing Brandable Ecourse Content to Look and Sound Like You
  6. Meditation and Yoga Ecourse PLR: How Detailed Should Your Self Care Ecourse Be?
  7. Stepping Back to Assess: What About Stress in Your Self Care Ecourse?

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