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Stepping Back to Assess: What About Stress in Your Self Care Ecourse?


So we've been talking about how to go shopping for the best quality content to use in your online health and wellness courses to sell or grow your list with.

Now that we've found yoga instructions and information with private label rights, meditation PLR to ruminate on, kundalini yoga content for die-hards, and a great big helping of mindful eating tips content… let's feel this out. Is the content well balanced?

If you haven't already done so, it may be time to create that ecourse outline to help you make a skeleton of what's going to be covered from start to finish.

Is this going to be a yoga ecourse? Or will the ecourse be more broad, detailing other aspects of healthy living?

What about stress? Might it be important to discuss healthy methods of relieving stress? We have some more content to select from thanks to Master PLR:

Stress PLR

A beautiful, complete pack of stress content to publish in your holistic health ebook thanks to Master PLR. Here's what's included in this high-value pack of rebrandable stress content:

The articles in this pack include:

In taking a look at what's included in this Stress PLR pack, we can see that some of the topics we covered in other sections of this ecourse have been briefly touched upon here. So that would mean this Stress section should go in the first chapter, not the last. It's really more of an introduction of what's to come in greater detail at a later point in your ecourse - deep breathing, yoga therapy, meditation.

So now, your ecourse roughly covers:

You might decide at this point, that the Kundalini Yoga information is better left on its own. And yet it still might prove valuable to your ecourse readers. In which case, the Bonus Special Report that we talked about earlier might really be an incentive to pick this up at a specific price point. The pricing psychology you can use here is to offer the Kundalini Yoga content as an extra freebie.

However, if you decide to remove the Kundalini section from your ecourse and let it live in its own file, then you may find that you need a bit more content to round things out, chapter-wise, in the original ecourse.

Wordfeeder.com has a great Natural Cures for Insomnia pack that could slip in directly following the series of Stress Reduction articles… before you get into the yoga and meditation sections. This pack includes:

This could be a good addition to the front chapters of your ebook. And you can stop here, if you want to. But if you'd like to continue adding information that your readers would appreciate, there are a few more related packs from different PLR sellers whom I trust and respect....

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Yes, I'm going to keep on reading and learning.

This DIY Ecourse Development Series from Wordfeeder PLR includes...

  1. Let's Go Shopping for Awesome, Affordable Health and Wellness Ecourse Content
  2. Brandable Health Ecourse Content: HOT Health and Wellness Topics Your Readers Will LOVE to Learn About
  3. Brainstorming a Health or Self Care Ecourse Made With PLR Content
  4. Yoga and Stress Relief Ecourse Content Plus Killer Creation Tips
  5. Quick Tips for Editing Brandable Ecourse Content to Look and Sound Like You
  6. Meditation and Yoga Ecourse PLR: How Detailed Should Your Self Care Ecourse Be?
  7. Stepping Back to Assess: What About Stress in Your Self Care Ecourse?
  8. Yoga and Stress Relief Ecourse Content

Please note that the links contained in this document contain my affiliate ID. The commissions that I earn when you purchase through my links help me to support my family, so thank you!


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