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DIY Ecourse Creation: HOT Topics in Coaching and Online Business

Consider All the Existing, Pre-Researched, Awesome Content Out There to Fill Up Your Ecourse With

So, you're a coach, and you seriously want to take the next step and launch an ecourse. Brilliant idea, and just the thing to put you in the upper echelon of your niche. Creating an ecourse can be a lot of fun, especially knowing that when it's all done, you'll be able to set this all up to capture easy online payments over and over again, year after year.

Yes, there's a lot of content available out there in the great, big world. But how will you know what content sources can be trusted? Because I'll be guiding you straight to the best content online, that's how.

Hot Topics to Create an Ecourse From - There are ALWAYS New Marketers Who Want to Learn The Basics of Online Business!

Of course, you don't have to be a business coach to want to offer your readers an ecourse that they can't resist. But online business does happen to be a widely sought-after topic that contines to garner interest year after year. So let me give you a list of popular, evergreen topics in the field of business coaching, that people will typically pay to learn more about:

List-Building - most people who are serious about growing a thriving online business that makes them money now recognize that "the money is in the list!"

Copywriting - goes hand in hand with DIY marketing. People don't want to fork over thousands to hire writers when they can draft their own copy. They also are ever-curious about how to write persuasively yet conversationally so they can build trust to get the sale.

Blogging Basics - for the rookie online business owner who wants to take full control of their website by way of a blog that's easy to log in and start posting without a lot of hand-holding. No, not everyone knows how to blog, of for that matter how to use blogging along with social media to create passive income.

Advanced Blogging, including Wordpress Tutorials -Once people take to blogging, they want to master more advanced skills such as template customization, themes and CSS editing.

Info Product Creation and Sales - If you're going to build a list, you should probably have some sweet products to pitch to them, and this is what your newbie online business audience wants to know about.

Making Money as an Affiliate - Sure, most people who have had their hand in the online biz game for a while know the basics of affiliate marketing. But there are definitely more in-depth strategies such as producing multiple streams of income, that people will pay for.


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Yes, I'm going to keep on reading and learning.

This DIY Ecourse Development Series from Wordfeeder PLR includes...

  1. Ecourse Creation from Scratch
  2. Your Options for Creating a DIY E-Course
  3. DIY Online Course Creation: Hot, Evergreen Topics in Online Business
  4. Brainstorming Your Online Course: What Do Coaching Clients Want?
  5. Choosing a Re-Brandable E-Course to Sell Via Your Blog
  6. Ecourse Readiness Checklist
  7. Teaching Ecourses: Performance Anxiety and How to Blow Past It
  8. Stepping Back to Assess: What About Stress in Your Self Care Ecourse?
  9. Yoga and Stress Relief Ecourse Content


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"5 Days to Your First Course" from Ruzuku gives you a trial run of their software. Discover just how simple ecourse creation can be with Rizuku on your side.



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