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Ecourse Creation Just Got a LOT Simpler - Thanks to Rebrandable Content Templates

Considering creating an ecourse? This is a fantastic way to develop something of value that you can monetize over and over after doing the creation work just once. Trouble is, many business owners start out on a tight budget and therefore can't hire a team of professional designers or writers to oversee the ecourse creation.

So, if you did pay people to assist with your ecourse development... what do you think you'd end up shelling out for design and production? A few thousand, at least. Right? Possibly more. After all, the bigger and better you make your ecourse, the more people are likely to buy it. BUT, that also requires you to come up with the highest quality material that people WANT and NEED, and are willing to pay money for.

If you opt to DIY an ecourse, you know you're going to be leaving other, income-generating prospects on the table unless you've got income streams already in place. But why put your professional life on pause to plunge yourself into the thick of creating ecourse content? There are other, more practical and economical ways of doing this. Let me share what I know!

Let's Shop for Customized E-Course Content To Repurpose and Monetize Over and Over Again

"PLR" stands for private label rights content. What is it? Essentially, PLR is pre-written content that's already been researched and written for you. Some call this "rebrandable" ecourse content. It's essentially a first draft or skeleton of an ecourse that you can transform into your own, unique, branded ecourse... saving yourself thousands that you would have handed over to a writer or virtual assistant.

Pre-written, rebrandable ecourse content makes a tons of sense for anybody, but it REALLY seems to come in handy for busy, booked coaches who want to compound the income that their blogs generate for them without having to reinvent the wheel.

It may seem a teensy bit painful to have to lay out roughly $300 on pre-written ecourse materials. But it will be a loss ONLY if you throw in the towel early and opt not to finish what you started. SMART online business owners know that the less-than-$500 investment will quickly recoup itself and potentially earn you thousands, not only the first time you launch, but with every re-launch of your ecourse, season after season and year after year. And that's a pretty intelligent way to conduct business online.

I don't have time to read all this, Dina. Yes, I'd like the MS Word version of this emailed to me after I sign up for Wordfeeder's FREE PLR Membership.

Yes, I'm going to keep on reading and learning.

This DIY Ecourse Development Series from Wordfeeder PLR includes...

  1. Ecourse Creation from Scratch
  2. Your Options for Creating a DIY E-Course
  3. DIY Online Course Creation: Hot, Evergreen Topics in Online Business
  4. Brainstorming Your Online Course: What Do Coaching Clients Want?
  5. Choosing a Re-Brandable E-Course to Sell Via Your Blog
  6. Ecourse Readiness Checklist
  7. Teaching Ecourses: Performance Anxiety and How to Blow Past It
  8. Stepping Back to Assess: What About Stress in Your Self Care Ecourse?
  9. Yoga and Stress Relief Ecourse Content

Need a Reliable and Trustworthy Online Platform to Host and Sell Online Courses?

"5 Days to Your First Course" from Ruzuku gives you a trial run of their software. Discover just how simple ecourse creation can be with Ruzuku on your side.


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