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Free Canva Templates and Tutorials | Try Before You Buy
Free Canva Templates and Tutorials

If you've never tried Canva in your online business, a free template is a great place to start. Use Canva to create professional quality ebooks, workbooks, online guides, cookbooks, and much more!

This program is simple to use, and puts the design control at your fingertips in ways you never expected! We offer affordably priced, done-for-you Canva templates for the business, life coaching, health coaching and cooking niches.

Try Wordfeeder's free Canva template and see for yourself, below:

Free Canva Ebook Template

Free Canva Ebook Template to Make an Ebook, Workbook or Guide

when you sign up for ANY Wordfeeder PLR product or membership.

Learn More and Download Your Free Canva Ebook Template Now

Free Canva Tutorial: "Before You Start Using Canva"... Good-to-Know Tips to Get You Past the Learning Curve

Stuck on the Canva learning curve? Feel like it'll take forever to get past the basics? Fear not! I have shortcuts for you to read through. You will be SO happy I gave you these.

Free Canva Tutorial
Learn more and download "Before You Start Using Canva" Good-to-Know Tips - Free Tutorial


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