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Business Coach Marketing

Experience Success and Prosperity with Done-for-You Content and Our Best Kept Marketing Secrets

The best thing a business coach can do for their bottom line is walk the talk. That means practice what you preach to your business coaching clients. Done-for-you content makes it easy.

Explore the below articles to learn how prewritten content with private label rights can take your coaching business to the next level.

About Page Copywriting Hacks: The Exact Questionnaire I Use with Clients

Hi there, online business owner... have you thought about how important the About page of your website is?


It's the first place folks show up to after spotting an interesting article or promotion of yours. People will visit your About page to take a peek at who you are, before typing their email address into the sign-up box on your site...

--->About Page Copywriting Hacks: The Exact Questionnaire I Use with Clients

Must-Know Tips for Writing Your About Page: Increase Confidence in Your Personal Brand and Expertise

Stuck on writing your About Page or Website Bio? This is Dina from Wordfeeder PLR (no, that is not me in the picture obviously - just thought this fella looked busy and cute :)).

I've written institutional content for both corporate and web based enterprises since 1996. I wanted to offer you some help and advice for creating a killer About page that will get people on your list in a heartbeat...

--->Must-Know Tips for Writing Your About Page: Increase Confidence in Your Personal Brand and Expertise

Internet Marketers and Bringing Something to the Table

If you plan to show up to the party, bring something. I'm sure that's a rule of etiquette that most of us are familiar with. It's also a good tactic if you'd like to make strong and profitable connections in the world of online marketing...

-->Internet Marketers and Bringing Something to the Table

How to Earn More from List Segmentation: Old-School List Building the New School Way

Everybody has a target market, right? You know this if you're blogging to a specific audience. Here on Wordfeeder, my general audience is PLR shoppers. I know this is very broad, so I created some different pages to hopefully attract various segments of the PLR market.

Which one did you arrive on to find my site? Was it Health and Wellness? Petcare PLR? Business building?...

-->How to Earn More from List Segmentation: Old-School List Building the New School Way

What is List Segmentation, Anyway?

List segmentation is an email marketing strategy that's grown easier in recent years thanks to technology.

A segmented list is one that's split up into different sub-niches, based on your readers' interests, buying habits and so forth...

--->What is List Segmentation, Anyway?

Planning A Year's Worth of Website Content

One thing I've always fantasized about is content-planning my websites for the entire calendar year.

Have you ever considered this rather smart and productive way of working?

Many content niches are seasonal. For example, traffic will be much higher for a gardening website in the spring and summer than during November and December...

-->Planning A Year's Worth of Website Content

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