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Private Label Rights Content as a Publishing Shortcut

Use Private Label Rights Content as a Publishing Shortcut.

Use PLR. Publish More Content Faster, and Save Boatloads of Money

If you Google PLR, you'll likely find articles which claim that PLR is plagiarism. Let's clear this up. The articles are likely written by someone who feels threatened by the industry... probably a writer who is paid by the hour.

The usage license that comes with private label rights content will state what you can and cannot do with it, including editing, selling, sharing, adding your branding, etc.

The concept of "private label" is nothing new. You purchase private label products at the store all the time and don't think about it. Examples: No-frills versus big brand names of your favorite packaged foods - like cereal, ketchup, etc.

That trendy new wine you picked up was very likely aged and bottled by one company. Then it was distributed to others who bought the wine without a label, to brand and sell. Same goes for software. It's called OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer).

If you publish web content, you likely signed up for a stock image website membership. These images are offered up with the right to use them in your own creations, then sell and share those creations.

I came across some really good information from Shannon and Steph of Monthly Content Shortcuts.

The article they shared reminded people that PLR has been around since the early days of publishing. It was a way to get good, accurate information and obtain details that had already been researched and fact-checked by writing professionals.

Always check with the originator of the image or other content for info on how it's permitted to be used.

No, You Cannot Buy a PLR Ebook to Copywright as a Book to Sell

NOTE: You are not permitted to copywright PLR content as your own, original published works.

That means if you purchase PLR in ebook format, you won't be able to sell it as a physical book that's copyrighted under your name. Websites like Lulu and Amazon Kindle do not permit PLR ebooks to be sold as a digital product on their sites.

(Yes, you could use PLR to create a book, but you'd really need to rewrite what was there and turn it into something completely different. Yes, I have done this. It's possible and if done right, the original content is unrecognizable.)

Yes, You Can Purchase a PLR Ebook, Edit it and Resell it As Your Own Digital Product (Ebook)

The difference is that you're not approaching the US Copyright office with the manuscript for a book that you intend to copyright as an original works. People sell ebooks/digital products all the time without a copyright.

Learn to Create Profits with High Quality PLR Articles, Ebook Content, Planners, Images and MORE. Low-Cost Content from Trusted Experts

What is PLR? How to Use it in Your Business

What is PLR? How to Use it in Your Business

Wondering what "PLR" is? PLR Stands for Private Label Rights.

It's "Done-for-You" Content. A Prewritten Draft that You Edit. Make into Digital Products to Sell. Share in Your Marketing and Social Media Pages. High Quality PLR is Absolutely Brilliant...

--->What is PLR? How to Use it in Your Business

Bad PLR? YES! Avoiding PLR That Reads Like Mindless Fluff (or How to NOT Get Swindled If Buying Done-for-You Content)

How to Spot and Avoid Poor Quality PLR Articles

Bad PLR? YES! Avoiding PLR That Reads Like Mindless Fluff

(Because they're a waste of your money and will make you look bad)

I know a lot of people in the private label rights content industry, and many of them appear to have come from a legit marketing background like I did.

So every once in a while I venture out there and take a look at what these folks are offering. And I've got to say, as great as a sales pitch sounds... 85% of the time, the actual writing that they're trying to package up in a shiny red bow and sell to you for less money than a frozen dinner, is really poor...

-->Bad PLR? YES! Avoiding PLR That Reads Like Mindless Fluff (or How to NOT Get Swindled If Buying Done-for-You Content)


Best Tips for Using PLR Articles

Best Tips for Using PLR Articles

PLR content is perfect to check off all your digital product creation, web and social media marketing goals.

What to Do with PLR Content?

-->Best Tips for Using PLR

Foolproof Ideas for Creating Great Web Content

Foolproof Ideas for Creating Great Web Content

How many times have you performed a Google search only to be taken to one of those lackluster "spew" blogs where you see words on the page but no one appears to be there?

Did you know that someone can mistake your website for this same type of content churn if you aren't careful about what you publish there?

-->Foolproof Ideas for Creating Great Web Content

How to Disguise PLR and Make It Your Own

How to Disguise PLR and Make It Your Own

Ever worry that if you buy PLR, someone else will have the same article on their website?

Here's how to make sure that your articles come up on search engines for YOUR keyword terms, even if you bought them...

-->How to Disguise PLR and Make It Your Own

How to Create a Health Course Side Hustle Using Done-for-You Content or PLR

How to Create a Health Course Side Hustle Using Done-for-You Content or PLR

Health Coaches, Holistic Healers, Personal Trainers... Pass along your knowledge, skills and expertise in an expertly crafted, professional quality ecourse that helps you help others while making money on the internet

It doesn't matter what kind of health expert you are. You could be a holistic health coach, fitness guru, retired nurse, or reiki master. You might be a chiropractor, herbal healer, occupational therapist, or doula.

-->How to Create a Health Course Side Hustle Using Done-for-You Content or PLR

Is "PLR" or Private Label Rights Content Right for Me?

Done-for-You Content Shaves Thousands of Dollars and Hours Off Your Website Production Workload

Is "PLR" or Private Label Rights Content Right for Me?

Pre-written content, PLR, done-for-you articles... so many names, all for the same thing. This is informational content that's written by someone else, purchase by you and re-branded under your name.

That sounds sketchy, but is it? Not if you turn the content into somethine unique and special by adding your own special flavor and flair...

-->Is "PLR" or Private Label Rights Content Right for Me?

How to Make PLR Articles Look and Sound Like You

How to Make PLR Articles Look and Sound Like You

Here are some MUST-KNOW TIPS for making PLR content look and sound like you:

Change titles and headlines. Example: "Believe in Yourself Empowerment Course" becomes "I Believe in Me Self Discovery Challenge".

Edit to reflect your values. It's the same as paying a ghostwriter $50 an hour and then revamping what she wrote to include your ideas. Only PLR is SO MUCH more economical!..

-->How to Make PLR Look and Sound Like You

PLR - Frequently Asked Questions

PLR - Frequently Asked Questions

If you have never used PLR before, you probably have at least a few questions about it.

Many people who make the switch from writing their own content or hiring a writer to create it for them, are shocked at the high volumes of content available as PLR. The price of PLR is considerably lower. Is this legit? What is PLR, anyway?...

-->PLR - Frequently Asked Questions

Rules for Publishing PLR Content from Wordfeeder

Rules for Publishing PLR Content from Wordfeeder

Thank you for wanting to know the rules for publishing private label rights content sold by Wordfeeder. Our only rules for content that is directly produced in-house are:

  1. Please do not include our brand name on the content.
  2. Please do not resell our PLR as PLR...

-->Rules for Publishing PLR Content from Wordfeeder

PLR Pitfalls and How to Overcome Them

PLR Pitfalls and How to Overcome Them

Do you take advantage of pre-written content (PLR - stands for private label rights) to drive traffic to your blog or website, connect with your email list by sharing articles, create ebooks to sell and giveaway as list-builders, make ecourses, and record videos for people to benefit from?...

-->PLR Pitfalls and How to Overcome Them

Get the PLR Articles Quickstart E-Guide from Wordfeeder

I want to tell you about PLR. Use it to create profits with a niche website!

PLR stands for private label rights content. What is PLR, really? It's a content draft. Just like if a writer handed it to you for you to tweak up and make your own.

-->Get the PLR Quickstart E-Guide from Wordfeeder

Digital Product Licensing Explained

Digital Product Licensing Explained

Digital Product Licenses Explained: What is PLR vs MRR? What About Commercial vs. Personal Use Rights?

Digital product sellers and internet marketers have discovered the vast profit potential in PLR or private label rights products. It's a major product creation time-saver, money-saver and publishing shortcut...

-->Product Licensing Explained

How to Monetize and Use Private Label Content to Grow Your Business

How to Monetize and Use Private Label Content to Grow Your Business

By now you must know the formula for making money with a blog and email list online:

-->How to Monetize and Use Private Label Content to Grow Your Business

What Can You Do With Pre-Written Website Content?

What Can You Do With Pre-Written Website Content?

Anyone who is familiar with Wordfeeder knows that this was once the exclusive home of my copywriting services.

I still DO offer copywriting and copy editing to select clients. But now I also offer pre-written website content that's been crafted by people whom I trust to do a great job...

-->What Can You Do With Pre-Written Website Content?

What to Do with Private Label Rights Articles

What to Do with Private Label Rights Articles

In the same way that companies buy the rights to privately sell products made by outside sources, you can purchase private label rights articles (PLR) to earn money with via your website.

Private label rights articles, or PLR articles as they're known to internet marketers, serve as an easy way to get content for your blog, website, newsletter and info products, without shelling out a lot of money...

-->What to Do with Private Label Rights Articles

Where to Get Cheap and Good Quality Content for Your Blog

Where to Get Cheap and Good Quality Content for Your Blog

You need a lot of content on your blog if you want to drive traffic and sales.

At some point, all new bloggers come to this realization. It occurs to them after putting up a blog, posting to it a few times a month and peeking at their web stats to see depressingly low numbers...

-->Where to Get Cheap and Good Quality Content for Your Blog

Why Buy Private Label Rights Content?

Why Buy Private Label Rights Content?Below, a few great reasons to do like I did, and start buying pre-written content to use in your online business.

The research and basic writing is already done. PLR is like hiring an intern to write and research a basic draft for you. Except of course, that it's instant - you get the draft without having to wait...

-->Why Buy Private Label Rights Content?

Try Our Affordably Priced, High Quality Private Label Rights Content from Wordfeeder!

Searching for High Quality PLR Products? Your Future Looks Bright with Our Done-for-You Content on Your Side.

Don't leave without trying out some sample articles! We make GREAT content here that you can edit and brand as yours!

Sign Up for a Basic PLR Membership

Sign up for a Basic PLR membership here.