Got a question about PLR article publishing, list building or content marketing? Email it to I'll do my best to give you an answer. If I don't know something, I'll find someone who does and share what they suggest. Then we all learn together. Win-win.
Learn to quickly and easily grow your list, market your business, and sell digital products using PLR content.
Available at NO charge when you sign up for our Basic PLR Membership
Sign up here and download your Free PLR Quickstart Guide immediately.
Bookmark this page and come back often for fresh articles on how to profit with PLR articles! Or, sign up for our list and we'll email you the next tidbit of advice.
July 19, 2023
Want a stand-out way to get new email signups and grow your sales? Offer an opt-in gift in exchange for email addresses.
An opt-in gift is basically an information download. It's a gift because you're giving away professional advice. The phrase "opt-in" is used because your readers must OPT IN to your list in order to receive the information they want.
June 30, 2023
If you're here, you've probably figured out that content marketing involves a ton of work.
There just so many tasks you must attend to for success in growing your business and creating a viable income online.
Continue reading Where to Get Content for Your Website
June 4, 2023
Hey there, busy blogger! What's your biggest procrastination problem that slows or stops you from tackling online business goals?
For me, it's my phone and Facebook, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.
So I kind of gave up Facebook for a while. Nothing personal if you're smitten with the platform right now. I feel like Facebook has become groundhog day.
If you're going to be scrolling, you might as well use your phone or other mobile device for something productive that brings you income. Right?
Continue reading "Blog from Your Mobile Device with Done-for-You Content..."
April 28, 2023
HEY, Health and Fitness Coach! Let's talk about growing your LIST, monetizing your content and getting known in the weight loss niche!
It's officially weight loss season, so let me give you the coveted content publishing and profiting formula. Yes, right here and right now. A lot of marketers would dangle this info in small bits like a carrot and make you jump through hoops to get the full story. But I'm just going to tell it straight up.
Continue reading "The EXACT Formula for Monetizing Health and Fitness Content"
May 16, 2023
Are you helping your readers solve problems? THAT is what the real purpose of your website should be: to share information that helps people solve problems. This is the case for whatever niche you may be publishing to.
And: there's a big difference between what society claims will solve certain problems, versus what people actually do to solve them that works.
Word of mouth and real-life experience ALWAYS reveal the true solution. The alternative method is often the best method.
Why is life like this? Mostly because the bigger mouths (corporate dollars, government) drive the messages that we see online, in ads, and the media. What is *said* typically doesn't align with what is TRUE. What is true and what works is often EASY, simple and cheap. There's no corporate money to be made in that, so you won't hear nearly as much about it.
This why people turn to the internet when they have a real problem that they're having trouble solving.
Continue reading Make Money by Helping People Solve Problems Online via Your Website
April 25, 2023
Stress relief is a perennial favorite topic for the health, wellness, home and family and self improvement audiences.
Do you address stress with your clients and followers on a routine basis? You really should. No one is immune!
Let me whip out a quick peek at keyword search terms.
Continue reading "Stress Relief PLR - Done-for-You Social Media Posts with Keyword Research
April 21, 2023
And Our May 2023 Smart Coach Content Topics
Are you using Wordfeeder's content with private label rights to stay on the minds and in the hearts of your fans and followers? Some quick ideas of how to use the content we provide to shorten your work day, help clients and create profits:
Turn an entire set of articles on a single topic into an ebook in Canva or your favorite layout program. Make into a PDF. What to do with it?
Continue reading "Exact Methods for Monetizing PLR Articles"
August 24, 2022
August 16, 2022
Are you ahead of your fall home organizing and holiday planning publishing schedule? Check out this content we created for you at Wordfeeder.
Hello, busy home and family bloggers! It's Dina from Wordfeeder here. I derive joy from the simple things. Do you do this? One thing that satisfies me is my work.
The thought that I am uploading lovely content to the Wordfeeder member area, and you are taking that content to use in your publishing life. Yup. I really do love what I do. Are we working together to share useful info and create a positive experience for the world's content consumers? I sure hope so.
Fall and the holidays will be here before you know it. The publishing theme is planning and organizing. Your readers will need tips, guidance and inspiration. Will your content hit the social networks to get you new sign-ups and sales?
Continue reading Fall Home Organization and Holiday Planning PLR
August 5, 2022
Hi everyone! It's me, Dina of Wordfeeder PLR. (No, that's not me. That's a stock photo that came with our Fall PLR Images from the PLR Pot Luck Content Club. But I digress.)
I only recently learned that I have some energy healers on my list. This is GREAT because I've been writing to this niche for a while now, without realizing it. I have some excellent content with a peaceful theme for you to grab the private label rights to, and share in your blog or sell as digital products - like an email challenge or ebook.
Much of this content focuses on the holiday season because it can be so stressful and overwhelming... for all of us, but especially for the empaths and introverts on your list.
Continue reading "Publishing to Reach the Introvert and Empath Audience"
July 31, 2022
Here at Wordfeeder PLR, the 2022 summer life coaching content theme is mindfulness. We have several meaty, white label content packs for you to pick up at value prices and turn into digital products to sell. You can even use some of the content to publish on your blog or make a short mindfulness handout to attract ready buyers to your list.
Continue reading "Mindfulness Exercises - Keyword Research"
July 20, 2022
Hello! Glad you've found Wordfeeder. You're likely curious about money to be made by creating, selling, and reselling digital products.
First, let's cover digital products. What are these? This is a broad category, but it basically has to do with information taught and shared on the internet. This is the "information highway," and it's where people go when they need information about pretty much everything.
Learning about a topic starts with a search. This brings the searcher to a blog or website where they start reading - like you are, now. But then information on the web goes next level. You've probably seen, heard of or thought about purchasing an ebook. An ebook is like a regular book. The difference is that the buyer gets to download the ebook immediately. That's wildly convenient.
Continue reading "Resell Digital Products"
July 18, 2022
If you're a coach who purchases private label articles to edit and use as a content publishing shortcut, that's terrific! You've already learned a lot about how successful business owners increase value for their audience and customers. Not only does PLR content save you money and time, but it delivers profit potential.
But what about printables? Let's cover how, even if you're not a reseller of printables, these will work to add polish and professionalism to your business while helping clients grow and acheive.
First, what are printables? These are design templates that can be custuomized to fit at heme, then printed by the end user.
Continue reading "Use Printables in Your Coaching Business"
July 14, 2022
I decided on a 10-Day Mindfulness Challenge for the August Life Coach monthly content release. People who prefer to order ala carte get a coupon code for $20 off the ala carte price. Better value is the PLR monthly.
Hi, this is Dina from Wordfeeder. I'm the chief writer behind the content that we offer here.
I take great pleasure in writing the life coaching content. It's truly satisfying to me. At first I was resisting the lure of gorgeous summer weather because work takes priority. Then I realized that going with it was the answer. Taking just one hour at our beautiful lake beach is SO worth it for my productivity, and for yours and your clients' as well.
Being mindful in nature, immersing in self-care like this, improves my writing when I return. So the mindfulness challenge was created in a truly blissful, satisfied and mindful state. I'm on the last few pages now, and loving it!
Continue reading "Would you like to launch a Mindfulness Journaling Challenge?"
July 14, 2022
The dog niche has exploded since the quarantine of 2020 and 2021.
It pays, literally, to get a piece of this 96.5 billion dollar market (and that was in 2020)!
Learn more about this content and sign up here
Signup button opens up a new window so you won't lose this one.
July 2, 2022
So many people fall into a defeating habit of being negative, sarcastic and jaded even in their own minds. If a person has children it's really a smart idea to grow in awareness of those negative words that stayed with us so we don't pass them along to our own kids. Instead we can find better, more empowering words to help our children go into life armed with good feelings, an empowered mindset, and healthy self-esteem.
Negative self-talk may originate with what's being called the generational curse - toxic ways of being passed down from family. We can help ourselves and others break out of and evolve this mindset if we grow in awareness. The Self Talk Challenge from Wordfeeder helps with that.
Even if you don't have kids, you can seek to evolve your life by becoming cognizant of the negative messages you send yourself and others every day so you can change them.
This 10-day self-talk journaling challenge is meant to help people break out of these negative patterns and move on to empowering, reason- and logic-based thought.
Go here to read more about the challenge and how it will be benefit your audience.
back to top
June 26, 2022
But content writing also takes a lot of time and brain power.
Are you finding content publishing shortcuts that are also friendly on the pocketbook?
If you're a frugal mom blogger or home and family publisher, here's some great news. We have a done-for-you content solution that's just right for busy mom bloggers on a budget.
Continue reading "Monetize Your Mom Blog"
May 26, 2022
Are you a food blogger looking to grow your list? Recipe sharing will never go out of style. Ideas for quick, healthy meals made with fresh ingredients will be a perennial favorite with people worldwide. Rich or poor, fancy or plain, healthy or indulgent... there's always a reason to make and eat food.
Read the rest of the article here.
May 12, 2022:
I have two great resources today for anyone who's been wanting to write a book but isn't sure where to start.
Today Coach Glue has launched a great product to help coaches and experts looking to become a niche authority. It's their Book Writing Planner. This comes with private label rights, so you can use it to work with clients, add to your member area, or use as an opt-in gift.
Learn More About the Book Writing Planner from Coach Glue Here.
At Wordfeeder I have another must-have book-writing resource. This gets you past the blocks that you have about wanting to be published but not knowing where to start or who to approach. It's a simple what to do list to get you started.
Download "How to Get Your Book Published" Free from Wordfeeder here.
May 1, 2022
Digital product sellers and internet marketers have discovered the vast profit potential in PLR or private label rights products. It's a major product creation time-saver, money-saver and publishing shortcut.
With PLR, you're not just purchasing a digital product. You're getting the license to change that product, put your name on it and sell it to the end user.
With private label rights products, you also get to pass on "lower level" rights to PLR products that you purchase and resell.
These types of rights include MRR (Master Resell Rights), RR (Resell Rights), GAR (Give Away Rights), PU (Personal Use), and CU (Commercial Use) rights.
Continue reading "Product Licensing Explained"
Here are some MUST-KNOW TIPS for making PLR content look and sound like you:
Change titles and headlines. Example: "Believe in Yourself Empowerment Course" becomes "I Believe in Me Self Discovery Challenge".
Edit to reflect your values. It's the same as paying a ghostwriter $50 an hour and then revamping what she wrote to include your ideas. Only PLR is SO MUCH more economical!
Continue reading "How to Make PLR Look and Sound Like You"
April 25, 2022
I know a lot of people in the private label rights content industry, and many of them appear to have come from a legit marketing background like I
So every once in a while I venture out there and take a look at what these folks are offering. And I've got to say, as great as a sales pitch sounds... 85% of the time, the actual writing that they're trying to package up in a shiny red bow and sell to you for less money than a frozen dinner, is really poor.
April 24, 2022
You can use PLR or private label rights content to produce digital products and marketing content for your business. Launch digital products. Blog on the go. Share HOT topics on TikTok & YouTube.
Other names people use for PLR include commercial resell rights content, private label content, brandable content, done-for-you content and ready-to-go content. These are just variations on how to say it...
Continue reading What is PLR, or Private Label Rights Content?
December 3, 2020
What Can an Abundance Mindset Do for You in Your Business and Life?
To have an abundance mindset means that you embrace an attitude of giving without worrying about what you're going to get.
Do you ever do the whole tightwad thing? We all get stingy from time to time, right? Maybe we're upset about $30 that someone owes us, or we really really want to cash in that coupon and we become obsessed with how much we can save.
Once you really get into being your own boss, you'll find that you have to shift from the scrimping, saving, nickel-and-diming perspective, to the "sky's-the-limit" open minded, freely giving point of view.
February 4, 2020
Hi, friend! Times sure have changed. I grew up in the '80s. I remember when only people with bucks were able to advertise their businesses. It cost thousands to have company brochures printed up, and thousands more to get access to a mailing list and have print ads made up to send out to your prospects.
I worked in corporate advertising in the '90s. It cost thousands more to hire professional photographers, graphic designers and copywriters to work up a creative ad campaign for your company that would drive results. (Yes, this can still be the case if you're a giant corporation with a massive advertising budget).
Here's something that blows my mind. With each decade, it gets easier and cheaper to manage your own advertising, or to pay mere dollars to hire someone with minimal skills to do it for you. We have the internet now. Everything is right there at your fingertips....
Continue reading "Using Canva to Create Beautiful Free & Low Cost Website and Print Graphics"
December 10, 2019
If you're a coach or therapist, you know that there are an awful lot of people out there in need of support around their relationship struggles. Yet one of the challenges of being a coach, psychology professional is that you may not be reaching your ideal client. They often don't have the insurance coverage or personal funds to pay for routine hourly sessions that can quickly run into the thousands.
On your website, you should be collecting email addresses. This become a list of people who want to hear from you and are likely to sign up for reasonably priced self-coaching courses. The whole concept actually makes things more affordable for everyone. Let's look at why.
Suppose that your hourly is $200 but a potential client, Nancy, doesn't have that in the budget. You need income and Nancy needs your advice -- in fact, badly. But you aren't a match because of the money disconnect.
Continue reading "Coaching Product Creation: Ebooks and Courses Make the Money Connect With Your Future Customers
November 16, 2019
Hey, friends! Happy Saturday. I have some GREAT news if you were wavering indecisively on a potential Black Friday campaign online. My writer and business strategist friend Charlene Burke and I have packaged up your Black Friday game plan.
This short but to-the-point email campaign profit-booster will help you focus, strategize and execute so you can reap the rewards of putting it out there for the world to see on Black Friday. And you can even turn around and use this to teach your fans and followers. We've packaged this up as PLR so you get to share it or sell it to your own audience of business clients. Some motivational thoughts for you to consider:
Continue Reading "Black Friday: Should You Bother?"
November 6, 2019
(Short Answer: Heck Yes, You Should!)
Do you wonder if it's worth trying to publish holiday-themed content on your blog as a way to keep profits funneling in? Of course it is.
Just think of all the holiday related action that's about to happen on Facebook, Pinterest, and other sharing sites like these. Christmas is the biggest moneymaker of the entire year. Don't snooze on this one, or you'll be kicking yourself later!
(Continue reading "Should You Post Holiday Content"...)
October 29, 2019
Hi, friends! Yesterday I took you on a little journey through the very popular website, Pinterest. The purpose of that exploration was to understand the benefit of opening up an account on that site and using it to funnel traffic to your blog or website.
So now that we have traversed the landscape of Pinterest, let's summarize a few good practices that will help you use the site to increase your profits online.
Set up your website to share great content. Your website should share lots of helpful tips and articles. People are out there Googling because they want to know things about things. If you share tips, ideas, suggestions and solutions, you will attract their attention. What's your niche? The main ones are business, health, self improvement, family, food, holiday, DIY, crafts, weight loss… okay so maybe there are more niches than I thought. These are a good start to figure out what niche(s) you plan to show up in.
Continue reading "Profiting via Pinterest"...
September 19, 2019
Hey there! If you're here to stock up on terrific PLR (private label rights) content, then you probably know about the importance of list-building online. The money is in the list, you may have heard just a few dozen times from expert marketers.
I was just reading an email from someone I've known from the writing world for some time. Trying to come up with some good tips for her to make the transition to internet marketing.
Don't get me wrong. There's still a lot about internet marketing that I'm not even sure about. But I have managed to keep a close watch on the world of PLR (private label rights selling) for a few years now. I know that communicating with your list is pretty much the same in both places.
So, if you're thinking of doing business via a list, consider this:
You should sign up for your own list!
It's by far the best way to see yourself from the perspective of your readers. You'll be able to keep tabs on a few things:...
Continue reading "List Marketing Tips: Insider's Info"
August 1, 2019
Tonight I saw a rainbow, and I thought it could be a promise for peaceful times to come. Can't we all use a little peace and serenity in our lives? I know I can. I am enjoying some right now, taking pleasure in writing this message to you. I hope you are, as well.
I just wanted to give you a final reminder that if you didn't pick up the Peaceful Summer 10-Day Journaling Challenge to share with your readers, you may be missing out!
It won't take much effort at all to set this up and get your readers warmed up to the idea of some introspective writing.
First, let's do a quick run-through of HOW to set this up, in case you don't know....
Continue reading "How to Set Up a Journaling Challenge"
July 24, 2019
Are you wondering what's a good and profitable niche to hone in on as a blogger? The Emotional Health niche remains one of the biggest profit generators.
Whether you are a life coach, therapist, counselor, run a mental health or relationships blog, or just want to offer emotioal support to your home and family or health and wellness readers, there is no shortage of a need for new and helpful advice in this niche........
Continue reading "Is It Worth Targeting the Emotional Health Niche?"
July 9, 2019
Good morning! What motivates you to keep going in your business every day? I am one of those people who never runs out of willpower.
I thought everyone was like this, but no. I will try anything, provided it's something I'm interested in pursuing. (Meaning, I know what I do well and I do a lot of it, and I don't steer off the path too often!)
A friend of mine wants to get into refinishing and selling furniture and home goods. She digs that retro country feel, whitewashing, stuff like this. It's her talent. But she gets caught up in stuff that doesn't matter really, and this derails her.
For example, she keeps telling me (and all of our other friends) about another woman we know who also refurbishes furniture. She thinks that the woman basically stole her idea, and steals all her ideas!
Continue reading "Emotional IQ, and Why Your Small Business Demands a High One"
June 28, 2019
Happy Friday, everyone! I wanted to share a thought with you today. There was a time not too long ago when I didn't recognize the importance of being an affiliate in online marketing - that it's all part and parcel of being successful in this industry.
Everything is tailored for lower prices (meaning, versus a service-based business), lots of freebies to grow your list, monthly membership that offer freedom and flexibility, and everyone supporting each other by becoming an affiliate of each other's products.
I DIDN'T KNOW THIS when I first came online in 2004! I just had no idea. In fact, my very first client, a life coach kicking off a Christmas themed start-up, tried to introduce me to these concepts and I just did NOT get it. I had this whole idea that I was bringing corporate expertise to the table and that more people should be following ME and my lofty ideals and standards. NOPE!
So, let me tell you a shortcut that probably a lot of the best affiliates already know about. But, as always, it takes me millennia longer than everyone else to catch up.
Continue reading "A Shortcut Technique to Boost Affiliate Income"
Health Coaches! Thinking about creating an ebook to sell on your site? This is a GREAT idea with tons of profit potential for you. Online info product sales can work as a set-it-and-forget-it project... well, almost.
Every once in a while you must check in to make sure everything is functioning correctly. But for the most part, once all the elements are in place for your ebook selling project, you can breathe a sigh of relief and go enjoy yourself!
Continue reading "Step by Step Essential Oils Ebook Creation"
February 7, 2019:
So, I went from being a copywriter who works for clients and only sends an email newsletter one or two times per month, to a daily emailer who sells out of my inbox.
In my observation with growing a list the second time around, here's a list of variables that affect your email open rate:
Continue reading "Variables that Affect Your Email Open Rate"
January 5, 2019:
Hi there, coach or expert! I recently released some brand-new, gorgeous and inspiring online course material for the New Year. The Believe in Yourself! Empowerment course is ready and waiting for you to share this with your readers, and make an impact as a coach in 2019.
So I thought I'd also help you out by giving you a few different scenarios on how EASY it is to set this up and start selling it to your readers as an affordable alternative to pricy coaching hours. Feel free to grab this helpful tutorial and save it in a document of your own so you can reference it later if you need to...
Continue reading "How to set up and sell an empowerment course..."
October 9, 2108:
Hello, friend... I wanted to talk to you about the products you offer on your website. DO you offer products? If not, today could be the day this changes, and you change your life. Not being dramatic here. ;)
If you're working yourself to an early grave trying to persuade clients to pay hourly fees that are not in the budget, you're doing it wrong. Listen to this:
Your time equals money. So if you bring home 7K this month, but your calculated hourly rate spent working to make that money turns out to be $10 per hour, you did not win. And you should win!
Continue Reading "Coach, Have You Set Up Your Product Suite Yet?"
October 4, 2018:
Hi, coach or expert! Self Care for Entrepreneurs is one of my absolute favorite topics. Today's a good example of why. I just released a 30-day gratitude content pack and I am tapped out.
But I have to keep going because more work needs to be done. Maybe you can relate? So, for about 30 minutes this morning I stepped away from the screen and went trotting down the road with my little dog. Feeling better now!
If you're a taskmaster like I am, then you know that it's all too tempting to skip that walk or wait until 1 a.m. insomnia to start your yoga routine. But you probably also know that the longer you sit and stare at the glowing machine, the more mistakes creep into your work and the more crazed you'll become. ;)
This spills over into every area of your life, including your relationships and your health.....
(Continue reading "'Tis the Season to Run a Self Care Boot Camp")
October 3, 2018:
Hey, coach or expert! Gratitude season is fast approaching. If you're thinking of grabbing the 30 Days Thankful Guided Journaling content from Wordfeeder, here are some quick tips on what to do with this content.
Also, if you purchased the Attitude of Gratitude 30-Day Challenge that I wrote last year, but you never got around to publishing it? Heed the below suggestions and you can make these wonderful words go far for you!
Continue reading "How and Why to Run a 30 Days Thankful Challenge This November"
Sept 27, 2018:
Hey, Coach or Expert! You work so hard, and you put so much thought and care into serving clients. So what stops you from charging more? It could be your money mindset.
Do your clients have the very same issue - they can't bring themselves to raise their rates? But yet they need and deserve to be compensated for their time and talent.
Pricing is tricky for coaches, but it's a double-edged sword. You know you're worth more than you're currently charging. But if you raise your rates, clients might not be on board with the plan. You worry that they might even decide to stop working with you!
Continue reading "Does Your Money Mindset Hold You Back from Charging What You're Worth?"
Sept. 18, 2018:
Hey there, low-carb bloggers! This is Dina from Wordfeeder again. Are you publishing to the ever-growing ketogenic diet crowd? First things first, here's a tip: pretty ladies and hunky dudes GET the clicks.
Don't forget to show lots of "after" photos in your keto blog along with the recipes you share. You'll find a ton of free pictures of attractive people on sites like and
If you already purchased my 30 days of low-carb and keto content, then you've already got a great, sought-after series of keto and low-carb eating tips in your hands that addresses ALL the most common questions your web searchers want to know.
Now all you need is MORE recipes to blog, share on social media, make giveaways out of to build your list, and more.
Sept 14, 2018:
Hey, friend. If you publish private label rights content in your blog, then you'll want to get some techniques under your belt for making that content your own.
To do this, you can write the entire article (or set of them) if you want to. But, that takes time, and we're looking to save time.
So I'm going to take a free article from the FREE PLR area of our website, and demonstrate how to quickly edit a how-to article to become a "personal blog post".
Continue reading "Legit Methods for Personalizing PLR to Make Blog Posts"
Sept. 14, 2018
Hey guys… so I was doing a little more work on the Natural Cures for Insomnia Profit Producing Project. First, the articles in our 9-article pack that now includes 15 social media blurbs aren't JUST for the health and wellness crowd. They'd be just as well received by your parenting, home and family, self help, and simple living audiences. Home remedies and natural cures are more popular than ever! So, here are some ideas if you need affiliate products to link to from your blog:
"Continue reading "Profit-producing Tips and Amazon Products for the Insomnia Niche"
August 23, 2018:
Hi there, online business owner... have you thought about how important the About page of your website is?
It's the first place folks show up to after spotting an interesting article or promotion of yours. People will tend to click over to your About page to take a peek at who you are, before typing their email saddress into the sign-up box on your site...
Continue reading "About Page Copywriting Hacks"
August 17, 2018:
Hey, my busy blogger friend! Do you have kids? It's hard to believe that for many, back to school is already a reality. This leaves internet moms with more free time during the day to plan their blogging schedule for the next few months.
So, have you thought about September content publishing? It's creeping up fast...
August 6, 2018
One of the trickiest aspects of marketing your business online is managing to NOT sound like everybody else. Sure, you've probably heard that in marketing copy, it's all about the "you." We address the customer directly our website content, asking, "What's the one thing YOU burn to know about (whatever)?"
But what happens when we ONLY talk to the reader about THEIR needs and THEIR questions and THEIR problems that need solving? We forget that they want to know a little bit about us, the small business owner, the mysterious person behind the magic curtain.
Continue reading "Sharing Your Stories as an Entrepreneur"
June 14, 2018
Do you promote your business via press releases that you submit on the web and/or to newspapers? Then you should ideally have a company press kit.
A press kit is, in essence, a media-ready promotional package. Your press kit should be as professional-sounding as possible, and accessible via PDF download format from the PRESS or MEDIA page of your website.
The purpose of a company press kit...
(continue reading "How to Create a Press Kit")
June 5, 2018:
Hi there, natural health publisher... are you having a productive and profitable day? I certainly hope so. This is Dina from Wordfeeder and I wanted to talk to you about all the amazing things you can do for your online income simply by finding free and low-cost, private label rights health content to share with your c
First, let me point you in the direction of one of our outstanding health and wellness content packs. It's the "Happy, Healthy, Fit and Well" super bundle containing 12,463 words of high quality articles on widely searched health topics.
It's huge! There are more than 12,000 words total here. Topics cover diabetes, blood pressure, dieting and weight loss, and a bonus bunch of miscellaneous helpful health tips. Here's one of them now:
"Zinc lozenges work to suppress coughs as well as soothe irritated throats. The zinc boosts the virus-zapping immune cells."
Tips like these are short, sweet, helpful and perfect for any number of publishing uses online. Video slide shows are hot right now - you can easily paste these into a video to publish that will do wonders for your site traffic and visibility online.
Continue reading "How to Leverage Pre-Written Health Content to Profit From Online"
May 31, 2018
Do you take advantage of pre-written content (PLR - stands for private label rights) to drive traffic to your blog or website, connect with your email list by sharing articles, create ebooks to sell and giveaway as list-builders, make ecourses, and record videos for people to benefit from?
PLR is super awesome to use as a website and brand-builder because the work's already been done. For people like you, who may not enjoy writing, there are people like me out here who are only too happy to do the researching and article-creation for you.
However, I fully admit that just like anything else, PLR comes with its share of challenges. As a writer and seller of PLR, I try to read my customers and predict their problems so I can provide solutions even before they crop up.
Continue reading "PLR Pitfalls and How to Overcome Them"
April 23, 2018:
Ever think about selling a gardening guide? You can easily make thousands on gardening guides you sell online, year after year.
New gardeners really value this type of information and will pay to have their own desktop e-guide to consult, rather than Googling each time they want to plant something new or have a question.
Decide if you'll be editing, or publishing as-is. If your name is on this content and you want to make it your own, I'd do a good job of editing to make it unique. Remember that PLR can serve as the "research" portion of your draft if you want it to.
But if your site is a more generic website where you aren't going for authorship status, then I'd say it's okay to sell a gardening guide using unedited PLR content if you want. It's really up to you and how you intend to make use of the information.
(Continue reading "Quick Tips for Selling a Gardening Guide Online Using PLR")
April 18, 2018:
Hey friends, in case you missed it, I decided to extend the offer on the Self Care for Small Business Owners pack. You can STILL grab all of this great content for just $17 using the coupon code SELFCARE, until Friday, April 20, 2018!
I like to write articles and tips that teach people things they didn't know. This content is well written and includes some of my favorite practices to help undo the damage of spending too much time frozen in one spot at the computer. I know, because I live this, and I'll bet you and your readers do, too.
Continue reading "Creating a Self Care Challenge from PLR Content"
April 12, 2018:
Hey, busy blogger! I have some awesome Pinterest profiting tips for you to snag and run with.
I love having a list because I get to inspire people to take action (I hope), and initiate profitable partnerships. This is a really cool thing.
So, there's been some Pinterest chatter lately. I've seen marketers are on Facebook promoting courses that teach you how to make money on Pinterest.
Continue reading "Pinning...Winning!"
March 3, 2017:
Hey guys… so I was doing a little more work on the Natural Cures for Insomnia Profit Producing Project. First, the articles in our 9-article pack that now includes 15 social media blurbs aren't JUST for the health and wellness crowd.
They'd be just as well received by your parenting, home and family, self help, and simple living audiences.
Home remedies and natural cures are more popular than ever! So, here are some ideas if you need affiliate products to link to from your blog:
Hey, blogger friend! Do you sell ebooks or ecourses? My gardening ebook sales have kicked up again because we are approaching gardening season here in the northeast.
People are getting restless, waiting for the warm weather and dreaming of putting those peas in.
I just opened my email to see a couple of ebook sales come in this morning. I launched my gardening website and ebook a few years back.
I worked hard on this project, researching zone-specific planting instructions to create an entire planting guide's worth of information. Then I set it up to sell on e-junkie, and I also published a gardening website offering helpful articles designed to drive traffic. I worked hard to write and publish the articles all through the active growing months.
Continue reading "Seasonal Ebook Sales to Keep Income Flowing..."
How do bloggers make money?
Bloggers earn money by setting up a number of automated passive income sources on their blogs. Pay Per Click (PPC) ads, native ads, paid advertising, memberships, online courses, and information products are just a few ways to make money that routes into your PayPal account in varying amounts.
Continue reading "Blogging for Dollars"
July 8, 2017
Everybody has a target market, right? You know this if you're blogging to a specific audience. Here on Wordfeeder, my general audience is PLR shoppers. I know this is very broad, so I created some different pages to hopefully attract various segments of the PLR market.
Which one did you arrive on to find my site? Was it Health and Wellness? Petcare PLR? Business building?
The other day, I was reading Kelly McCausey's Your Amazing Website Bundle offerings. She has a ton of great stuff in there. You may want to check it out if you're on the hunt for talented and trusted service providers who can help you start running your online biz like a boss.
I couldn't help noticing that Kelly segmented her list. Right in the lineup of offerings, she has special incentives for people with different types of businesses. I smiled when I saw that. Kelly's one smart solopreneur for sure.
Continue reading "Old School List Segmentation the New School Way"
June 26, 2017: PLR Implementation Tips
...all of the above, and whatever else you can think of.
Continue reading "Steps to Creating an Essential Oils E-Guide"
May 22, 2016
If you plan to show up to the party, bring something. I'm sure that's a rule of etiquette that most of us are familiar with. It's also a good tactic if you'd like to make strong and profitable connections in the world of online marketing.
I know that it's really difficult to make the full transition from the working person's mindset to the free-wheeling online business mentality. It has taken me probably 14 years to come to a full understanding of just how different these two worlds are.
Continue reading "Internet Marketing and What Are You Bringing to the Table?"
April 14, 2017
I'm just going to do a quick drive-by here for those who want to set up a PLR content membership on their website and use Amember to do it.
The membership costs less than $150 and it's for a lifetime. So, no subscription renewal. Pretty freaking cool if you ask me.
Continue reading "Stuff I Learned Setting Up an aMember Membership on My Website"
March 4, 2017
You may have heard that if you blog to earn money, you have to post something every day. That probably seems like a lot of work. And if blogging is your side gig, then yeah, you may lose track of your blogging goals while in the throes of obligation that is life.
However, it IS possible to blog every day, just like you brush your teeth every day or you log into your favorite social media account every day, or you walk your dog every day.
(Continue reading "Ditching Perfection as a Blogger")
February 22, 2017
I've been saying this for years, but my copywriting clients generally needed a lot of convincing.
I believe that if you want to attract website visitors who are either ready to buy, or almost ready to buy, you should choose search terms that phrase a very specific problem they're having. This problem, of course, should be something that your products or services have been designed to solve.
Continue reading "Use the Right Search Terms to Attract Paying Customers"
October 15, 2016
I'm not going to lie, blogger or wanna-be blogger. I'm writing this to light a fire under your butt.
If you're reading this, you're probably wondering what posting blog articles has to do with earning money via the web. Does this actually work? How does it work? How do you turn a blog or website into an automated income generator?
Lots of people go into blogging thinking that they'll magically make a ton of money, by mere virtue of having the blog alone.
Maybe they think that Google Adsense ads will be the thing that bumps them into a higher income bracket.
Maybe they figure that posting a few articles on their blog now and then will cause their home-based, service-oriented business to take off into the six-figure range...
Continue reading "How to Grow a Profitable Online Business by Publishing Articles"
You need a lot of content on your blog if you want to drive traffic and sales.
At some point, all new bloggers come to this realization. It occurs to them after putting up a blog, posting to it a few times a month and peeking at their web stats to see depressingly low numbers.
What's a busy blog owner to do? Surely you've read the advice on how to come up with ideas for blog posts. Yes, you can write your own articles, interview other experts, put out a Q and A column on social media, post product reviews, and that sort of thing.
Continue reading "Where to Get Web Content for My Blog?"
Let's be honest. Lots of small business owners either can't afford, or don't want to pay, a copywriter.
Being able to afford or not afford something is purely subjective, of course. Paying for copywriting services is an investment in the future of your business.
After all, the more you market and the more website content you create and post often, the more quickly you're bound to be found by more people. And that means the more profit you're likely to bring in.
While all of this may be well and good, it still stands to reason that some people just do not want to pay for a copywriter during the early growth phase of their business.
Continue reading "What to Do When You Can't Afford a Copywriter?"
Not sure what to do with the FREE PLR Content packs given away by Wordfeeder and friends?
Recently, an online marketer friend of mine shared her method of customizing the freebie pack that I give away routinely on how to sell stuff online by publishing web articles...
Continue reading "How to Customize PLR Content for Your Audience"
I had a writer ask me recently how long a web article should be. On average, they're anywhere from 400 to 600 words, but that doesn't mean yours can't be as short as 300 or as long as 1,200.
Copywriters tend to think in word counts. They want to know how many words the client needs.
If you're posting articles to a blog or an information site, then it's not so much how many words appear on the page, but whether you've explained one aspect of the topic or answered the question effectively.
Continue reading "How Long Should My Web Articles Be?"
Interested in learning how to create, market and sell information products, like e-books, e-courses, coaching workshops, instructional videos? Before you jump in, read this crash course in sales page 101.
Below, some must-know tricks to ensure sure no one leaves that gorgeous sales page of yours without clicking Buy Now or at the very least, giving up their contact info!
Be sure to use keyword terms that people will be searching for. To find out what types of phrases people might use to hunt online for what you've got, do a Google search for the Google Keyword tool. Select a phrase that's somewhere between specific and broad.
Too specific, and no one will find you. Too broad, and you're competing with the rest of the world and will never be found. So strike that happy medium, and then include that exact phrase right in your H1 and H2 headlines, as well as your page title...
Continue reading "Killer Sales Pages and How to Maximize Your Earning Potential There
If you're in the marketing for cheap article writing, then let me introduce you to PLR. PLR stands for Private Label Rights content.
It works slightly differently than you're probably used to, but with far more impressive, expedient, and money-saving results.
Right now, internet writers are busily researching hot content topics that work with your niche. The articles they're producing may sometimes seem a little vanilla, yes. But rest assured the information is accurate, the grammar up to snuff. And the content itself delivers great information that your readers definitely would be interested in knowing about.
Continue reading "Cheap Article Writing"
Do you struggle to come up with topics for your newsletter? Feel like you're behind the eight ball in terms of always having to think up something before you miss your monthly deadline?
Routine and consistency are the key to building a following via email communication. I'm going to share with you some great tips for effortless newsletter creation using PLR.
Continue reading "How to Use PLR to Advance Plan Your Company Newsletter"
One thing I've always fantasized about is content-planning my websites for the entire calendar year.
Have you ever considered this rather smart and productive way of working?
Many content niches are seasonal. For example, traffic will be much higher for a gardening website in the spring and summer than during November and December.
Continue reading "Planning a Year's Worth of Website Content"
A: You can definitely put in an order for a single blog post, though I have to write it from scratch and that costs more than purchasing pre-written, PLR article bundle packs.
Also, the price is higher for a single blog post, especially if you would like to be the exclusive owner of the content.
Continue reading "Can I buy a blog post from you?"
Let me explain how you can save a ton of money on PLR content while still coming away with original, high performance content that's crafted "expressly for you."
Normally, when you work with a copywriter who creates your articles from scratch, each article takes about 2 hours from start to finish. That includes writing, then sending edits back and forth with the client a few times before it sounds perfect.
Continue reading "How does PLR Content Save You Money?"
One of the best things about PLR content is that there's probably an ebook already in existence that you can purchase, brand, and sell on your website immediately.
Even if there's not a ready-to-sell ebook available, there's probably a website content bundle that includes a set of articles that will work perfectly for this purpose. Use the PLR content to fill up your ebook with great information that your readers want to know more about.
Continue reading "How to Use PLR Content to Create and Sell an Ebook"
NEXT: Testimonials from Happy Customers
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